Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Laws I Break Everyday

Okay... so these aren't real laws, BUT to hear many people talk, you'd think they were real laws...

Tom and I do not have a couch in our living room.

In fact, our living room is our home library and our sunroom is our living room.

I have a dishwasher, but I never, ever use it.

I use a natural, liquid laundry detergent (Sun and Earth) instead of dishwashing liquid when washing my dishes.

I am 46 years old, but most often I read kids' lit. books (see my list of favorites here).

I love to go to the movie theater alone.

I use baking soda instead of Comet to scour sinks.

I have never used the cruise control on our car.

I do not carefully replace my clean silverware in their proper slots in the drawer. I just toss them inside and hope for the best.

I refuse to own a clothes dryer (electric or gas, doesn't matter).

I often sleep upstairs alone in my dream room. It feels like camping to me.

My current favorite tv show is Super Nanny, yet I have no small children in my life at this time.

I almost never, ever drive freeways or thruways. (There is one expressway, though, which I occasionally take, but it is nearly always deserted. Long story.)

I am trying to replace all the new things in my house with old things, instead.

I'm a regular, crusty old trouble-making law-breaker, I know.  ツ

I guess I'm sharing those things for two reasons:

1.) It's a good thing to realize there are many unwritten rules we do not have to follow just because everyone else does. It's possible to live outside the box, if even just a little.

2.) It's a waste of time to expect other people to give us freedom to be different if we first do not do the same for them. No one wants to live according to silly, imaginary laws we, ourselves, make up for them.

We were all made for freedom, after all.


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