Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Of Goldilocks and Autumn Parades

I get to go out today into the Land of Autumn, otherwise known as My Town. 

I love this time of year. I can do a simple little thing like drive to our 1930's supermarket and now, at the height of autumn, it's like riding in a parade. The streets are lined with trees of waving, rustling colors and their leaves are fluttering down like confetti, slapping my windshield. 

Sometimes I consider doing a pretty little pageant wave as I drive along.

I'm not a busy person.  On the rare occasions when I do become busy (rare occasions), I forget to notice what the trees or skies are doing. I skip my neighborhood walks, miss cool improvements my neighbors created in their yards. And I sorely miss the thoughts which only come via silence.

I miss even more, like hearing in my heart that my friend needed encouragement or our neighbor needed a smile or a faraway relative needed prayer.

Of course, there is a good kind of busyness. The Bible even speaks about being busy with our homes and the things which need to be done in Life.

But I like to think of that as a kind of Goldilocks Busyness. You know, how she found some of the bears' way of life too hard, too soft, too hot, too cold, but other parts she found just right.

Like Goldilocks, each day I look for the Just Right pace of life. 

Not so fast that I miss the best things. Not too slow to where I slump in a rut and everything blurs into boredom.

But instead, a pace made just for me, one where God is leading and I follow closely, touching the hem of his robe. He is the ultimate Pace Maker and only His plans, His ways,  will lead me to the places I should be--

---places, at paces, that are just right.


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