Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Why I've Not Been Here

Can you tell I've been busy around my house? In the good old days I posted here each day--or awfully close. But believe me, I have good excuses.

Some of you may remember our carpenter, Glen, who, last year, built our beautiful carport, then the day after he finished, proceeded to wreck his knee, dislocate his hip, and break a couple ribs (and without his helmet, he would have broken his head, too, they say) in a late-night ATV accident.

A special thanks for all of you who prayed for him!

The doctors back then warned him that he might never be able to climb a ladder again. (I wish doctors didn't always have to tell you the worst possible scenario, but I understand why they do.) 

Anyway, if it's possible for a person to look even better than he did before an accident, Glen is an example of that! And he's still the amazing carpenter, no, artist that he was before. I told him so--I believe it's important to tell others honestly when something about them impresses you. You're never certain if you'll get another chance--Glen's accident last year was a perfect example.

We had Glen install French doors in our bedroom which open into the bedroom next to it, giving us twice as much space. Which, ok, is still likely half the size of the walk-in closet most of you probably have if you live in a big, new house. But hey, still we're thrilled to now have room for two comfortable chairs and an old pie-cabinet found in an abandoned farmhouse in the Nevada desert. We'll place our tv, etc. in that pie cabinet and call this new room our sitting room. Or maybe 'the suite' to make it sound much nicer than it is.  シ

Today I'll paint around the French doors inside our bedroom(light, light pink).  (Painting, painting, painting. Good thing I enjoy it, right?) 

Thursday, the carpet installers will come and put carpet (berber) in that room and some here in our office room in the basement. Friday I will probably be a little insane finishing up two-hundred loose ends because---Saturday my parents will arrive!

Oh my. Their first visit here--and it will last 17 days. That is a long time.

All prayers would be appreciated.  ツ


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