Thursday, September 29, 2005

Something Better

Back in the Great Old Days when Tom and I had cable tv, I used to watch a certain travel show.

I enjoyed the host--he was terribly funny-- and the places he visited were interesting and educational. And yet--and yet--nearly always in every country, the host consistently sought and explained each place's history of black magic, voodoo, or witchcraft. 

And although I make it a practice of avoiding such things because of the Bible's admonition to do so, I'd generally watch a couple minutes of those recreated black magic parts, hoping the coverage of it would be short. I hesitated to turn the channel and perhaps miss the just-fine-travel-adventures which came next.

Only a tiny portion of each hour, that black magic stuff! I wouldn't pay real close attention. I'd close my eyes.

Thus, I argued with God.

Well, after awhile I began having nightmares twice a week instead of just twice (or so) a year. This went on for three weeks before I finally realized what was happening. I was reaping from disobeying that still, small voice of warning within me--the voice which had been telling me to let go of that program.

So not being overly-fond of nightmares (or of disobeying God), I stopped watching that show.

Shocker, shocker--the nightmares stopped immediately.

I hoped God would replace that travel program with another one like it, minus the black magic stuff, of course, but for two or more years I found nothing else, which I thought was odd because most often when God asks me to give up something, He replaces it with something better rather soon. But then, He also sometimes decides teaching patience and trust is the better, higher lesson involved.

Then one day, lo and behold, poof! Our local PBS station began airing Rick Steves' travel shows. I was hooked! Rick visited wonderful places, mostly in Europe, without delving into the things I'd been convicted to leave alone. I enjoy his shows so much, that I ordered a 6-disk-set of his DVD's from the early 90's and I watch them over and over. In fact, it's rather like I tell myself, "I'd like to visit Italy today. I think I'll go watch Rick's journey there."

This example reminded me that God does always replace what we've given up for Him with something better. But sometimes not right away. And sometimes I have missed the 'something better' because my own self-pity or sadness of downright negativity blinded me to it.

Attitude, attitude, attitude. That may be just a platitude to some folks, but to me, it's been a key to a whole different kind of life.

Now I often watch Rick's travel shows before I fall asleep at night. And if you could look inside my head upon my pillow you'd not see a single nightmare.

God is good.


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