Sunday, August 28, 2005

There's Something About Them...

There's a Christian tv station in our area, one which many people complain about. 

Tom and I try not to mutter along with everyone else--we believe our words are important and we prefer to pray rather than complain.

Well, that's our goal anyway.

But this afternoon on that Christian tv station, a young Korean woman sang a song about making choices to hold onto anger and sadness-- or Jesus and Hope. How it is a choice. And well, it wasn't that the words were amazing or her voice, incredible--but it was anointed. As in, it was as though the Holy Spirit was standing right behind her backing her up. 

It wasn't about her performance--it was about something, Someone, flowing through her words with a high dose of freedom. With the power to shake people from their complacency and back into grace and joy and peace.

How do I know? How could I tell?

Because that's exactly what the Holy Spirit did for me while she sang.

Oh, not that I was in any deep doldrums, but I'd just needed something--a joy zap, or something. Something to shake cobwebs and restore some light.

Sometimes we get that directly from God, one-on-one. Other times we get it from stepping into a church to pray alone. Or God shows us we do need each other so it comes while attending a church service, sitting with a friend or reading a passage in a book.

Or it can arrive from a simple song on tv on a slow, summer Sunday afternoon.

There's something about people who have been set free, folks who walk with God. They bring Him along wherever they go and it's surprising what He does to others who cross that path. Who knows how God touches people through us? Who knows the extent or the long-stretching ripples of that?

And who knows what could happen if we all walked with God like that? With that awareness? That power?


"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity]..." ... Luke 4:18

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