Wednesday, July 27, 2005

That Barnes And Noble Feeling

Oh my. We're having rain today, glorious wet, cold rain. 

And for the first time in weeks, the our house feels cool. I cannot celebrate enough! I've tried,yet I cannot feel grateful enough for this reprieve we have been granted. 

I spent time reading on our porch, drank coffee out there and reveled in those 65 damp degrees--and still I could not celebrate enough.

All morning and now into the afternoon, my house has had that Barnes and Noble Feeling. Classical music is playing, the good kind of classical that makes you feel as though your home is filled with lovely, expensive things when in reality, it's not.

And more. The lamps are switched on because of the darkness outside, lights shining down upon the woods of the tables I polished earlier, all the windows are open , welcoming an I'd-forgotten-what-a-cool-breeze-felt-like breeze. Coffee scent wafts everywhere upon my collections of books.

Earlier I swept the floors, washed the dishes and even washed a few cat nose prints from the windows. Everything is shiny, glowing.

Oh my. I love caring for my nest, my family and making them comfortable, giving them a cozy, clean place in which to grow and learn and relax. I cannot apologize for enjoying working with my hands to make a lovely, comforting home. 

The Bible tells us to serve one another in love and I believe true servanthood begins in our homes. Who are the greatest people in God's kingdom? Jesus said they are those with servants' hearts. Maybe if we could all begin humbly serving our families, we could then branch out and successfully serve and change this hurting world as Jesus, Himself, did.

Gotta run back upstairs for more of that Barnes and Noble Feeling. Tom will be home soon and I'd like to bake something homemade for him.


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