Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Blogging--A Vehicle for 'Godly Gossip' ?

I was extremely blessed by reading this post, Truth and Blogging, over at Under the Acacias. It put into words my feelings this past week.

 A special thanks to Mr. Standfast for recommending it.

This might be controversial (hey, we all have to step out and be bold sometimes), but on Sunday I was Blog Exploding and found myself inside some both familiar and unfamiiar Christian blogs. Much of it disturbed me because many of the posts were written complaining about celebrities, evangelists and churches. 

The resulting comments? They went on and on in agreeing complaints, almost as though the commenters were having a good ol' time standing in a circle and throwing stones.

I wasn't certain why this all bothered me until it hit me--Isn't that something like gossip? Aren't we as Christians supposed to stay away from that? Aren't we supposed to say what Jesus would say if He was here?

And then this weird picture come to my mind. I could see Jesus sitting on the right hand of God in Heaven, leaning over to Him and saying, "You know, Father..... So-and-so has all this television time and all she ever talks about is herself. I can't see what anyone sees in her. People say she does good things for others, but I just don't see it.

"And so-and-so! I would not do what he is doing if I was preaching on tv. I don't believe what he believes about _____ --he must be off-base in all areas and not worth watching.

"And that church! They can't seem to do anything right. They should listen to the congregation's complaints more and then everything would be better."

And on and on into ridiculousness.

The more I meditated about how much Jesus passionately loves each and everyone of those people-- Christian and otherwise-- how He died for each one, how He pulls for and prays for each one, well, the more ludicrous that mind picture became.

Isn't it time we pulled for and prayed for each other? That we  use our time to blog encouragement and godly instruction rather than people's mistakes? Shouldn't we be asking God to shine His spotlight down upon our own imperfect heart first?

Just wondering.


"We dislike in others what we dislike about ourselves." ... Joyce Meyer

"He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity." ... Proverbs 21:23

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