Friday, April 01, 2005

A Blogger No More

Well, it looks like
I'll no longer be blogging
due to very personal reasons.
You can read about them
here below:

April fool!
Did I getcha?
(It's hard to write this
so that the punch line
doesn't stand out

But anyway, my silly little joke brings up a good point. I am learning to hold all my God-given gifts, talents and opportunities in an open hand.

They are not mine to cling to. My writing or teaching or giving are not for me to hold onto for dear life, as though I cannot live without them.

I am not to garner self-worth and affirmation and self-confidence from my gifts and ministries.

My gifts are to help other people--they're not designed to help me. My gifts are meant to make you feel good, not me.

My help is to come directly from God, Himself, or from the gifts He shares through you. My security and worthiness and confidence are all to come from God--and who He is--and who I am in Him. Not by what I do for Him.

Not from the way He touches people through me.

Some people will disagree, I know. That's ok. But I have found these to be truths--truths which keep me pliable so that God doesn't get frustrated when He can't move my affirmation-sucking ego to the next place of ministry. Truths which have released heavy, heavy burdens from my shoulders.

It feels so good to feel free.

And I do thank each of you who have shared your gifts with me. I feel so blessed by each one.


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