Thursday, March 31, 2005

But On The Other Hand...

In my last post I mentioned how I, too, will probably never get to Paris or Rome.

And yet...Who knows? Perhaps I will.

While cleaning house one Spring day in 1999, a thought from the clear blue sky floated down inside my head. This thought said, "You will probably never get to visit Washington D.C. before you die. How do you feel about that?" I thought, "Well, I guess I can accept that."

(Strange, huh?)

And yet that very summer Tom and I, in an amazing turn of events, found ourselves riding a magical bus tour through Washington D.C. Oh my, we loved every minute. I cried at the Lincoln Memorial (couldn't help it) and we floated through the Smithsonian, the one which holds neato stuff like Fonzie's jacket, Archie Bunker's chair and George Washington's tent. We still consider that vacation our very favorite one.

And that same year I began often repeating the phrase, "Never say never!"

I think I look at this verse a little differently than most people:

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

To me that says, "Keep God as your number one desire, and then He will put into your heart the other desires He thinks you should have."

God-given desires get fulfilled. God would be totally unfair, unjust and unkind if He did not fulfill desires He gave me in the first place.

My job, then, becomes to never lose hope...or faith...or trust.

I have found my friendship with God is the answer to my every dream, wish or prayer. I can trust Him to meet all my basic needs and so anything else is just a cherry on top. So now it's easy (well, easier) for me to want only what God wants for me--I've seen by experience that He knows me best and knows exactly--exactly--the friends and places and trinkets I will love most.

So again, who knows? Maybe I will get to Paris or Rome someday. But I'll leave it up to God.

In the meantime, He will remain my number one need. And He will always be enough.


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