Monday, February 14, 2005

Blank Book

Valentine's Day... This morning I pictured my life as a blank book. Or rather, it was blank when I was first born.

What is written all over my book nearly 46 years later? What kind of a scrapbook has it become?

What have I snipped out of Life and pasted there? What has been written by my hand?

In my book, I want to see and read of courageous times. Even if it's just a walk around the park, I want to read that it was taken with a spirit of adventure. Even if I remain a homemaker all my days, I want it recorded that I was a homemaker with courage and a creative, hardworking spirit.

May my Life's scrapbook pages illustrate true heart and stamina.

May those pages not be obsessively neat and orderly, but instead, riddled with adventure dust and gold flecks from years of panning for God, Himself. Years of running hard after Him. And journeying for those missing things--those things God held out just beyond my fingertips to protect me from complacency.

I think I'll look through my scrapbook today. Not to get bogged down beneath the Past, but to learn from it. And to let it inspire me to fill the remaining pages with God-designed adventures. Ones which require bravery and an utter dependence upon Him. Ones He meant just for me from the beginning of Time.


Very special Valentine's Day wishes are going out to all my blogger friends with whom I share pleasures of friendship.(I hope you know who you are...)

"Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also those who need it so much." ... Daphine Rose Kingma

"There is no such thing in anyone's life
as an unimportant day." ...Alexander Woollcott

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