Sunday, January 23, 2005

Wild At Heart

I do read grown-up books during my morning quiet times. After my post on my favorite sorts of books, you may have wondered... For years I've told people that the ladies at our city library desk probably watch me pass by and then snicker to each other, "There goes that woman with the fifth-grade reading level." These past twelve years, I've checked out all the good books from the kids' library room.

But anyway, I am rereading John Eldredge's book, Wild At Heart, a book which amazes me each time I open its pages of invitations to adventure. If I was allowed to recommend only one Christian book to you, this one would be it. (I'd love to know how many of you have already dived within its seas.)

I must be reminded that God installed within each of us a love for adventure. I could go on about how society has done all it can to stifle and squash that desire, but to me, it's always the easy way out to blame modern society for everything gone wrong. Jesus lived amongst people who wanted Him to be something other than what He really was, and He did ok. He remained true to Himself and to God. And well, if we have Jesus within us, can't we do the same?

What is an adventure, a conquest to me, would probably be a sunny day at the park for you, relatively speaking. But that's all right.

Wild At Heart convinced me years ago that challenges are good things. That I would not want to live in a world without them. A good challenge alerts all our senses, all our capabilities that they've been handed an invitation to exert themselves-- and to excel. Finally there is a chance to put into practice all we have read and learned and experienced.

What a relief it is to stop dreading challenges, problems. To anticipate that not only are we at the brink of an adventure, but we will once again be able to see God Almighty move on our behalf.

I'm not one to say that books change our lives. Our lives change only when we put into practice what we hear or read. But Wild At Heart changed my mind about much of life--it also helped me understand Tom's 'quirks' (shall we say) much better.

Every day is a good day. Every day holds potential adventure--even at home. It's all in how you look at it.

And it's all in how you live it, too.


To read the first few pages of Wild At Heart, click here.

"Adventure requires something of us, puts us to the test. Though we may fear the test, at the same time we yearn to be tested, to discover that we have what it takes." ... John Eldredge

1 comment:

  1. I love having my 6 year old read to me. I get to experience a lot of great books. we are reading a Junie B series now . It is so cool.

    Take Care


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