Thursday, January 20, 2005

A Sense of Humor: Don't Leave Home Without It

Years ago I read a humorous, teasing article in a Christian magazine about fasting. It asked questions like, how many Tic Tacs can you eat without it being considered cheating? And, if you make a liquid shake out of all your favorite foods, is that considered bad form? Things like that. 

Things we've all felt before, if we're honest.

Well, I, personally, thought the article and it's cartoon drawings were funny. Cute. But I cringed because I know Christians and what next month's Letters To the Editor would be like.  I knew trouble was coming.

And I was right. The following month, there were tons of letters screaming about the 'irreverence displayed by the author toward the hallowed subject of fasting.'

Oh good grief. Can't we lighten up?

Man, I refuse to grow old before my time and represent Jesus as an old grouch. And well, I refuse to become a morose Christian-- they turn into repel the very people who need God--and joy--the most.

No thanks. Instead, I'll find at least one thing to laugh about every day. I'll exercise this gift of laughter, this sense of humor God installed within me. And I'll choose fullness of joy, the unspeakable, full-of-glory kind.

Fill mine to the brim, please.

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." ... Psalm 126:2

"Seven days without laughter make one weak." ... Joel Goodman


1 comment:

  1. Cute Blog. I have just started getting in on this blogging thing. Here is my first blog. God Bless you. :)


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