Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Out-Of-Season Plans

Years ago over at Oprah's website I kept an online gratitude journal. 

Oh, I had big plans, big dreams! I was gonna save the world with that gratitude journal. People from everywhere would read what I had written--I wouldn't just stick to gratitude kinds of things--I'd write about God and stuff. It would be great.

Well, it wasn't.

Writing in that journal was one long, painful struggle. I'd sit in front of the computer screen and yawn, stare and squeeze my brain so hard, that I think part of it dribbled out my ears. 

Writing in that online diary was torture.

That journal, for me, was a case of writing out-of-season. It wasn't God's timing for me to attempt such a thing. That was purely my own timing and my own idea. Or perhaps it was more a matter of taking a God idea and running ahead with it before it had learned to walk--or had even been born.

And I had more to learn before God could trust me with writing online. Like not saying any old words I felt like. To be the directed, not the director. And so much else which would bore you.

Jesus prepared thirty years for a three-year ministry. Most of us are so antsy, that we can't stand the thought of preparing even three years for a thirty-year ministry.

(Hmmm... Did I hear a few "amens"?)

Finally, last July, the right time came along for me to begin this blog. My friend--

That's how it started. Things have evolved since then to where this blog is nothing like I thought it would be. Maybe that's because I don't see myself sitting in the Director's Chair. I see Someone else there and I never know ahead of time where He's going--with anything.

I can see why He's big on this faith stuff. It makes life much more exciting.


"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven..." ... Ecclesiastes 3:1


  1. I, for one, am glad that that season has now arrived for you. Thank you for your posts and your blog.

  2. Amen to Rodney's thoughts . . .
    and then if you look at how long it took Moses to get to the place God wanted him to be, before he could lead the children of Israel to the promised land ... it's not only a young person's world (blogworld included!)...

  3. Recently someone suggested that I could find my "message" from my "mess." That sure isn't where I would want to look, but it's the only place that produces fruit and joy in service.

    Thanks for the prompting and reminder here.

  4. Debra, from your friend Beth, I am honored, and I am humbled. And needless to say, I made our friendship the subject of my blog today! Today's text is insufficient, to say the least, but it's only the first of many. Gosh! Blush. Peace!

  5. A very special, warm thanks to each of you for your kind comments. I so appreciate that you all visit here. And Dizzy-Pig (cute, cute name!)--thanks for your first-time comment! I can't tell you how much I love hearing from the 'silent ones' who often pass through. I so enjoy hearing from each of my readers.
    Thanks to each of you and blessings upon your day...Debra


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