Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Blogger Sharing

Yesterday Tom brought home another old hutch from the curb. When he came into the house and told me about it, at first I said, "Oh no! Not another hutch!"

Oh, I love hutches, of course. But within the walls of this Craftsman Bungalow are places for only so many. And we have, hmmm. Nine or ten spread throughout these autumn-colored rooms. 

I'm addicted to books so our hutches support me in my book habit. My dish habit, also.

But I found a place for this latest hutch, this last hutch as I firmly told Tom while we heeved and hauled it up our snowy front porch steps. We squeezed it into our sunroom, then decided we will share this one. Tom likes to pack his Ebay boxes in the sunroom while watching tv on weekends, so now he has a real out-of-the-way cupboard and drawer for his packing supplies, instead of just hiding them between the recliner and the wall.

Sharing. A good marriage requires immeasurable sharing. A bedroom, a bathroom and all other rooms. Cars, chores, money, time, the TV, the computer, the last word, disciplining children, meals, taking turns at answering the door and the phone and running errands. And so much more.

And then there's a type of sharing we as bloggers do. We share pieces from our lives, almost like pieces from a pie. And because we cannot serve the whole pie, we are sometimes misunderstood or even, not understood fully enough.

But still we blog. Still we present a certain vulnerability as we grow and learn--and write about the bits we decide to expose. And often, unknowingly, we help others grow and learn, also.

But without vulnerability--without risking being misunderstood or maligned--we will help very few people. That is true in any form of teaching. More people will respond to an open, visible heart than one only peeking over and speaking from behind a don't-hurt-me wall. And people who want to be good teachers, or helpers of any kind, will let God tear down the walls they've spent years and years erecting brick-by-brick. No matter how scarey or painful that may be.

At least, that's been my experience.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
--William Arthur Ward


  1. i enjoy old pictures. especially if they are at least 80 years old. your collection is amazing.

  2. First what a beautiful hutch. Why would anyone part with it?

    I like your analogy about blogger sharing. A small taste in each other's life, our own homemade recipe, open for rejection...

    I appreciate your open heart and willingness to share. Plus I love the flavor of your pie!

    Take Care

  3. Hi rmacapobre ...Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you enjoy the old photos. Amazingly, my husband rescued them from the curb in front of a couple houses. I'm thankful they weren't destroyed and that I can share them with so many people.
    Michael--You are always encouraging and I appreciate it so much.
    God bless... Debra

  4. I am smiling at your post about rescuing these hutches. Are you sure they weren't put out by a guy who was moving them from one place to another, and he just went inside for a cup of coffee before loading it onto his truck? (grin).

    I like what you say about being open and vulnerable. I decided with my blog I was happy for anyone to know who I am and where I can be contacted other than by email. Goes against the whole idea of security and self preservation, but, so what. Where would we NOT be if Jesus was ultimatley concerned about his right to privacy and self preservation? No where good I am sure.

    Peter in 'Straya


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.