Monday, December 06, 2004

Accepting December

This month, especially, I think acceptance is vital.

Accepting that things are the way they are--right now--but not forever.

Accepting that this is December, the month of Christmas and there's nothing I can do to change that. There is no way I can fast-forward-spin the Earth to January.

Accepting that people are the way they are and the World is the way it is (and the weather is what it is, too).

If I am known as a big-time complainer then that's a sure sign I'm not accepting that things are the way they are.

Acceptance does not mean giving-up hope! That things will ever change or that I just sit back and say, "Forget sending anymore cards this year," or "So what if I run out of time to give gifts?"

Just the opposite.

Acceptance says, "Okay, so I'm running behind. Relax. Some things just will not get done, but today is packed with potential. Who knows how much I can accomplish in one simple day?"

And acceptance can look Disappointment in the face and say, "I am disappointed at this moment--but that won't always be true. My life is like an endless string of lights made-up of millions of moments, and this is just one tiny moment, one tiny light."

Have you ever gotten sick of hearing yourself complain? I have. And four years ago when I got a hold of this acceptance stuff, I stopped complaining so much. 

I could now look at a moment objectively and have assurance that this, too, shall pass.

And the bad times do pass. They're replaced by good times! And may I remember that along the path of acceptance.

I won't finish some things before Christmas, but the World will keep spinning anyway.



  1. i've been there too, Debra . . .
    i've tried to be all things to all people, give all things to all people, and gotten so sad in the process . . . we all carry baggage of Christmas past . . . but i pray that your load has lightened as you shared, and your blog buddies prayed ...

    the world is turning and we will all celebrate the birth of Jesus, and we will sing with the choir of angels, giving thanks to our Heavenly Father for sending our Redeemer . . .

    sending a big hug through the cyber world . . . blessings on the REST of your day! saija

  2. Christmas has never stressed me out much. But then, I never cook the turkey. :)

    I love doing cards, it reminds me of all the people I love. :)

    Although, I don't know why I can't seem to get past the threshold to bring my Christmas tree in and put it up this year.


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