Thursday, November 11, 2004

You Can't Have It All?

Phooey. Who says you can't have it all? (Must be that dreadful THEY family.)

It depends upon what All means to you.

For instance, I have it All.

No, really--

An awesome God.

A wonderful husband.

A terrific daughter.

A cozy home to care for.


Three cats, four mice.


A car I share with my husband.

An old TV (or two).

A computer.

A town full of potential friends.

Stars and the moon at night.

A backyard with birds.

Bookcases which runneth over.

Autumn leaf bookmarks.

An imagination. A dream.

Pictures hanging on my walls.

Painted furniture.

Old dishes and new ones,too.

A soft bed. Pillows.

Hot running water. A bathtub.


A pantry full of groceries.

Windows full of sun.

I'll wager you have it All, also.


Unless we find repose within ourselves, it is vain to seek it elsewhere. -- Hosea Ballou.



  1. Hye, I thorte you gave up on the mice... Hmmm, so you have relented, aye? Me thinks I might get some, again, too.
    Maybe I can import some American mice. I think they will come with stars and stripes. Hope they speak our language.

    I think we do have all that is good for us, for HE is our Provider, and we probably have a whole lot of stuff that is bad for us, that stuff which we accumulate because we think we know best. Hmmm.. Me thinks I may have to rethink the mice idea, as nice an idea as it was.


  2. Hey Pete! Alas, I didn't change my mind about more mice. These four are the last ones leftover from the original litter born 20 months ago. It's funny, though... Just a few minutes ago I was thinking *maybe* someday I will get more mice.... They really are cute and I enjoy caring for them. Must be my maternal instinct acting-up, or something. Haven't seen any stars and stripes mice over here, but I will look for some for you. :o) I really think you should get some

  3. I thought he wrote "a mice idea" ... (what???) refocus, oh, "nice idea." Yes, yes.

    I thought it funny that you put cats and mice together in your entry. :)


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