Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Theater Alone--Can You Face It?

Late this afternoon I went to our local theater. You know, the one where you feel like the Twilight Zone has whisked you back to the 1950's. I saw Raise Your Voice (which I gladly add to my recommendation list). 

I went to the theater alone and I had a marvelous time. Yes, even alone.

I'm an old hand at seeing movies by myself--been doing that for 8 or 9 years. Some nights I feel like visiting our marvelous theater for the buzz of a nostalgic time travel trip. I enjoy giving them my three dollars so to show my support (I have enough child-like faith to believe that God will multiply my piddly $3 so that this old theater will never fold-up). 

Other times, I just plain feel like losing myself in a movie inside a dark theater.

Often Tom wants to see movies there when I do, but at other times? He doesn't. And always at that point, I have a choice: I can beg, plead, whine, accuse--or-- I can kiss him good-bye (sweetly and with no rancor) and take myself to the theater.

Oh, if only I'd not spent 17 years (or so) getting all pushed out of shape if Tom didn't feel like doing certain activities when I did. Man, I'd have saved myself wear and tear on my brain and body from pathetic whining and sulking. And I'm sure Tom (and God) would have my better, more godly behavior.

You know how Jesus comes along and changes everything? Especially after we quit trying to change ourselves? Well, I'll spare you the gory details and just say that things are different now. I could give you a list of which changes took place, but it boils down to this: I had a whole lot of dying to self to do. And in the (long, painful) process, Jesus became more and more real to me.

And what does that have to do with it?

I now have a giddy secret. I don't actually go to the theater alone-alone. No, I go with Jesus. He always feels like going there whenever I do. People think I'm alone, but they're mistaken.

Jesus sits beside me and He's the reason for my marvelous good time.


1 comment:

  1. I love going to the theater alone. I used to do it quite often. Not so much anymore because my fiance is a movie-going-maniac. I used to go alone to see the Disney movies when they came out and pretend that all the laughing children were part of the family I never thought I would have. :) *sniffle*


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