Friday, November 19, 2004

Ready--Or Not

If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength! ... Proverbs 24:10


This verse won't leave me alone.

When the sun doesn't shine for a week and I get frustrated about that, I think, "How small is my strength."

When Tom does thirty things I've asked him not to do and I get, shall we say, quite perturbed about that, I think, "How small is my strength."

When our appliances groan and die...and emergency sirens wail down the street eight times a day...and money is tight--and I'm frustrated by all that-- I think, "How small is my faith."

Times are changing and they're not becoming simpler--anyone else noticing that? And with Christians being the new Bad Guys, well, more than ever I'm asking God to remind me that that a peaceful person is  powerful because he can keep his head while everyone around him is losing theirs (as the saying goes). 

A calm person 'hears the way in which he should go--and walks therein'. And inside a peaceful person all is well, even while on the outside all is not well one bit.

I want to hear God's still, small voice! But I'll need to quiet my heart during these days before even larger challenges arrive. And they will. The Bible tells us so--and warns us to prepare.

I want to be ready for anything--whether it be the next broken appliance or something huge like Armageddon. 

And may I face come-what-may with the utmost serenity because of having learned, beforehand, to walk with God. But that will require staying extremely close now before later--and more trouble--arrives.


1 comment:

  1. good thoughts . . . amen to them ... and despite what modern pop psychology may say, i think it is a good thing when we hold ourselves up to a higher standard than any here on earth, and strive to be more Christ like in all our thoughts and actions . . . now, that was easy to type out - but so much harder to live!!!!

    thank you for dropping by my blog . . .

    re the postcard you asked about (which was too small on my blog - so sorry . . . i reset my settings for the "next time". . . ) is something that was printed in 1983 by the friends of Israel Gospel Ministry that i've had for 21 years (i'm a keeper of old things, that's why i'm still married to the same old guy 30 years later . . . haha), it is most likely out of print . . . the verse that you can't see on the card says "His eye is on the sparrow, and i know He watches me", a favourite of mine ...

    i have your blog in my fav listing, and when i get a chance to tackle my sidebar, then it will be there too . . . now i must go throw another log on the fire, it's cold here in the prairies this morning . . . blessings, saija


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