Friday, November 19, 2004

Faces and Hearts In The Supermarket

Sometimes I'll see certain women in the supermarket and wonder if I'm looking at kindred spirits.

These women might have kids draped and folded over their shopping carts. Or a woman might be with her husband or perhaps it's the way she calmly interacts with her children which intrigues me. Or if she's alone, it may be the peaceful way she handles the jar of low salt spaghetti sauce. I'm not fond of the word 'aura', but maybe it's an aura of contentment to which my heart responds.

You'd think I'd love discovering women like that, but I don't. Because my head knows darn well I can't just walk up to a person and say, "I'll bet we are potential friends! Maybe even kindred spirits. Tell me all about yourself and then I'll let you know if I was right."

If I did that, I'd probably get arrested. Ha! So I just roll my cart on past the pasta boxes, wondering.

Here's something else which happens to me, something I've never heard anyone describe. Very often, especially when I run down to the convenience store, I'll watch men buy things like bread or milk or a candy bar and I'll look at their faces and see a child-like innocence. Almost like I am glimpsing how they looked while yet a small boy beneath a layer of how they appear now. Or it goes even deeper--it's as though I'm seeing the heart they had as a child--one of vulnerable wonder and love of adventure--but one which has since been scarred and torn-up along a bleak, stoney street named Life Without Jesus.

And I find myself standing behind them in line praying with a God-sent compassion for that boy inside the care-creased face. Praying that he will find his best Friend and be lonely no more.

Does anybody else experience either of these things? (Or have I dived off the deep end, drowned, and just haven't realized it yet?)



  1. Radiant Spirit--Thanks for reminding me of that!
    Seeker woman--That's not silly at all. I've felt that way after talking with strangers many, many times.
    Thank-you, both, for sharing your thoughts. God bless... Debra

  2. Kelly-- I had a feeling you, especially, would understand this post. Thank-you for dropping by and letting me know. God bless.. Debra


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