Tuesday, August 06, 2024

For Those Who Must Fix Problems

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ... (I can) think upon whatever is right and pure and lovely and admirable..."   --- Philippians 4:13,8


Maybe it's just me. Or perhaps it's this Hobbit Cottage, but man, I'm always having to tweak things. You know, to make my days easier.

The short version of this post? If that describes you also, the best thing is for us to learn to enjoy the tweaking, the challenges. The searching for clever ideas. The successes. 


Soon after getting Happy and Poncho, I discovered Tom dishing out canned cat food one morning in the kitchen. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "I already fed them."

Tom replied, "But they acted like they were starving."

"Yeah, well, they're cats." I said. ツ  "I'll have to make an 'I fed them sign' that we can place on the counter." So I did, laminated it with packing tape, even. Problem solved. That is, as long as we remember to move the sign from the small basket to the countertop.


Basically, our little house has no built-in storage. Well, other than in the kitchen. (Think I'm kidding?) 

So after much whining (and asking myself, "What have we done?"), I bought, over a year, 8 sets of white 3-shelf bookcases from online and 2 real-wood sets from yard sales.

Half became my pantry and the other half housed my books and miraculously? My complaints about this house diminished. Well, by half, anyway. heh.


I needed to make gardening easier. So my Herb and Etc. Garden below our front porch became my Herb And Vegetable and Etc. Garden. It gets full bright morning sun, then sits in absolute shade from 12:30 on and yet? Our cherry tomatoes, jalapenos, salad vegetables, etc. grow in profusion.

And how simple to stand at the porch railing to water the plants, below, from a jug I filled in our kitchen.

Oh, and I sank largish pots about 2/3 into the ground and added soil to them. This makes everything easier for me for Springtime planting and keeps roots from strangling each other, etc. (Hey, it just does, ok?)


Our upstairs ceiling is low, like, 6 feet?, so for years my hanging-a-chandelier-is-impossible thoughts were greater than my anything-is-possible ones.

But then I spied a photo where a woman hung a chandelier in a room like mine and wow! Instant inspiration. So much so, that I even found places for 2 chandeliers up here. 

1.) One chandelier I leave on daily to make up for the years of my giving-up.
2.) And may this remind us that sharing our ideas can inspire people to do what feels impossible for them.


My former gymnast self used to boost herself up to kitchen counter tops to reach what she needed on top shelves. Then she switched to using a chair. Now she either stands on the floor with the 'grabber tool' and/or uses this adorable step thingy Naomi gave me.

I love that it folds up so it can be hidden.


For awhile I'd awaken at night feeling nagged about chores needing doing. Eventually I placed an index card and pen beside my bed so I could switch on the light quickly and write down what was keeping me awake.

I'd read about that idea years ago, but the odd thing? I only used it for 2 nights. I've not needed it since.

Hmm. Perhaps what really helped was reading what Richard Carlson wrote: 

" ... we tell ourselves once we get through our To Do List, we'll be calm, relaxed, and happy. But in reality, this rarely happens. As items are checked off, new ones simply replace them.

The purpose of Life isn't to get it all done, but to enjoy each step along the way and live a life filled with love."

And may it be love and wisdom which keeps us happily searching for ways to improve both our own life and that of others.


These days? It's too easy to feel out of control of what is happening outside. Instead, we can take charge of simplifying and improving our own life in many doable ways within our home, our yard, our sphere of influence.

I'll admit way too often it takes me years to come up with some fixes. The temptation becomes to ask why am I so slow? Gah! But lately I'm learning to forgive myself and to just move on and appreciate the new idea/solution while vowing to--next time--listen more closely to the Holy Spirit.

Always stay creatively-minded and determined to find ways to solve problems.


Quick fixes:

I  wanted another birdbath (created one last year), but couldn't decide on a place where it looked 'right'. So I bought a hanging one, putting it on the empty hook beside the birdfeeder. 

Love it! I simply tip it to empty the water, then fill it (only an inch or so) with my watering can.

Since I'm practically spending this entire hot and humid summer on the red couch (and have no room for a coffee table), I needed something upon which I could place things like books, drinks, kleenex, my reading glasses, tablet, etc. 

On a tiny house video I spied a specially-made version of what I needed, but it felt too modern. Instead, I ran upstairs and grabbed a 1970's tray I'd found at an estate sale. Solves the problem perfectly.

Oh, and Poncho loves sleeping on our hutch. When he leaves the occasional scratch in the wood, I use some mineral oil and instantly it disappears.

And lastly (for today)-- because we can no longer take vacations (basically), I've returned to buying books which, hey, I prefer over vacations anyway. I used credit card rewards to buy these, below, and I'm enjoying each:

The Firefly Summer by Morgan Matson
The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sarah Brunsvold
Hems and Homocide by Elizabeth Penny
Summer of a Thousand Pies by Margaret Dilloway

(Being soo picky about the books I read, I researched these like crazy and am relieved that each is a treasure. Kinda like a miracle, trust me.)


I've meant to share this gorgeous autumnal video with you for nearly a year! Some of the best fall scenes, ever.

Here's a brief documentary about Will Rogers which I found interesting.

And I've shared this apartment before, but it'll always be a very favorite of mine.


And to help hold a decent attitude this hot summer, I'm keeping my mind in places like this (and using the tv like a picture window where autumn already blazes outside)--

Happy and Poncho's family. Pretty, right? --


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. You've shared some great ideas with us today Debra. I love the attitude you have. And your new birdbath too. It's really cute. We finally got into the low 80's today. It was so nice not to be miserable when you went between your car and inside.
    Isn't it exciting to be living in Biblical times? So much is happening right now. What's next?
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Oh! I forgot to tell you that during Prime Days on Amazon I splurged and got a robot vacuum cleaner. It's not the name brand one so it was less expensive. Oh my! I LOVE it! My back isn't cooperative with vacuuming and Zoey, (our puppy), is terrified of vacuums. But not this one. She ignores it completely. Hazel, (yes, we named her Hazel after the old TV show,) comes out at 7:00 every night and vacuums the entire cono. I's great! Best purchase ever and a total splurge for me.
    And after we got ours? Our daughter and son-in-law bought one too and love it. Now we don't have stairs so it works great for us. Wish we had done this years ago.

  3. Debra, I always enjoy hearing how you tackle challenges, and I appreciate your attitude. I know that over the past years, the Lord has revealed ways to make life richer and simpler (some days, lol). The little home we're living in has very limited storage, but I'm finding it really keeps me from buying more than we need. I'm one of those people who can stack a closet clear up to the ceiling, if given the chance. What seems like a simple, small change, can really make a huge difference--like planting a garden near your front porch. Heavens, you don't even have to put on shoes to water your garden. So convenient. I just love that! I will confess, once I scrolled down and saw the picture of Happy & Poncho's tribe, I only had eyes for them. How precious!

  4. Debra I have followed your blog for years now. I really enjoy when you post something new. I have watched movies that you’ve recommended that we’re always special. Thank you for sharing your lifestyle and ideas with us
    I love being a homemaker, being raised in the 60s and being a teen in the 70s was such a great time to live in. Now I am praying for a revival for our nation!
    Have you seen the movie The Jesus revolution? The story about Greg Laurie. My husband and I loved it saw it at the movies I used to always listen to Greg on the radio in the 70s and probably early 80s. He is a great minister in my opinion I bet you already know that 😌 have a blessed day Sharon from New Jersey

  5. Betsy--thanks so much! And I'm glad you're having cooler weather. What a difference, right? Ours has been saner lately--what a relief. Glad you like your new vacuum! Sounds helpful indeed.

    Pam--so happy you enjoyed the cat family! And yes! I go out on the front porch with my water jug in just my stocking feet. Feels like luxury. heh. And I do like this smaller house for the reasons you do, well, as long as I have room for what I really need, which sometimes it seems like I don't have. But usually? If I just get ruthless and get rid of what I don't need, then poof! There's room for the necessities. Imagine that. heh.

    Sharon--thank-you! I love hearing from longtime readers. I really appreciate your mentioning the movies I recommend--it's one of my most special joys when other people enjoy them, too! Sounds like we're around the same age--all my teen years were in the 70's and I do enjoy watching Youtube videos which recount those days. And yes! We did see The Jesus Revolution and we're also looking forward to the days of revival ahead. Can't wait for such a big change!
    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.