Monday, July 15, 2024

This Shocking Weekend Brought To Mind An Earlier Post And -----

" ... but the righteous are bold as a lion. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. "   --- Proverbs 28:1, Ephesians 6:10


Did I stay silent after the historic evilness which was the attempted assassionation of President Trump? No way. Instead, I recalled this post, below, from 4 years ago and chose sharing words of encouragement at Facebook and Twitter. (Hmm... have I even noticed before the word 'courage' within encouragement? Wild!)

Anyway, this post (with new links) from 2020 is what still nudges me to speak today---

After I arrive in Heaven? Personally, this scenario would horrify me (yeah, even there):

Four friends in Heaven: "Debra! How marvelous to see you here."
                                         (Hugs all around.)

Debra: "Thanks, Everyone! I really missed each of you."

Four friends in Heaven: "Say, we heard America was nearly taken over                                                 with riots!"
                                                       "And sin ran rampant in the streets and the                                                   Government!"

Debra: "Yes, it was a dreadful time." (She shudders.)

Four friends in Heaven: "So tell us! How did the Lord use you to fight
                                         against the darkness?"
                                         "Yes! Tell us."
                                         "What adventures did you have?"

Debra: "Well I, uh, prayed a lot." (She smiles.)

Four friends in Heaven:   "Sure, sure. All Christians were called to do                                                  that."                                              
                                                       "But what else?"

Debra: "Uhm, I soaked in the presence of God pretty often."

Four friends in Heaven:  "Also good. But what specific ways did God                                                 use you through your gifts? Your voice?"
                                         "What ways did you fight the evil which tried to take over your Country's people?"
Debra: "I, uh--"

Four friends in Heaven: "Yes, how did you make a difference?"
                                        "How did the Lord move through you to change                                             History?"
                                         "To awaken and warn others so they, also,                                                    would fight?"

Debra: "Er..."

Four friends in Heaven:  "Tell us how you helped others who struggled!"
                                         "How did the Lord use you to speak light into                                                the darkness?"
                                         "Yes! We love hearing how God moves upon the                                           Earth through His called and chosen ones."
                                         "Yes, and how others will recall their time upon                                            Earth for all eternity."

Debra: "Uhm, well ... They said we must stay home so I did. I prayed an awful lot. God helped me think happy thoughts while I waited for it all to be over and --

Four friends in Heaven: "And?"

Debra: "...and I was afraid, but right now I can't remember exactly why."

Four friends in Heaven:  "Oh."

Heaven forbid.

One of the very scariest verses in the entire Bible? This one--

"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them."   --- James 4:17

Something I wrote for Facebook yesterday--

Ecclesiastes 3 says there's a time for everything, including a time to speak and a time to be silent, a time for peace and a time for war. Now, I believe, is not the time to be silent. That's a huge reason we are where we are today. Too much silence and apathy while evil takes over. We'll be held responsible for being silent at the wrong time and seeking peace when we should've fought evil. So yes, it's going to affect our homes, but with God's grace heavy upon us, we can do this and we can still love the life He gave us while we fight against what's trying to take over our country. (Just my thoughts as I'm noticing most of my friends are choosing silence after the historic, evil thing which happened yesterday.)


Glue Books! I think I found my next craft.  And here.


And as I also shared at Facebook---

Oh wow. Yesterday we watched the new movie, IF, and loved it. The colors! The imagination! The old-timey apartments! IF made me remember all the rampant creativity I once had and challenged me to welcome it back.
My only complaint would be the overuse of the term "Oh God." But otherwise? I'd highly recommend this for anyone, any age. At the end, Tom even said, "We'll have to watch that one again."
Oh, and we watched it nearly free by using the 2 months for .99 cents each MGM+ offer, but it's also available at Paramount Plus.

Check out the trailer here .


Looking future-wise, yes, this fits regarding what happened Saturday. Remember, there's more than one way God helps keep millions of people alive.

President Trump was shot at 6:11 (!) --

Okay, this got me all teary-eyed and determined! Am still reeling with gratitude.

Tempted just to hide and ignore what's happening? Ever looked up 'what does the Bible say about the cowardly'?  Yikes!--

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."   --- 1 Corinthians 16:13


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I'm glad you didn't stay silent, Debra. This post came when I needed to read it. I had to summon my courage to take a stand at a church meeting. Each of us can make a difference if we're willing to be vulnerable and follow God's directions. What is happening across our nation after President Trump was shot last Saturday, is truly amazing. I believe we are seeing God gathering believers to fight against evil. I watched the link you gave us from the Oklahoma pastor and it gave me goosebumps. May we be faithful!

  2. Hi Pam--and I'm so glad you took a stand at your church meeting! It's so important right now to stand and to speak up as God leads and yes! That's exactly what seems to have begun happening after the attempt on Pres. Trump's life. It's so exciting to watch happen and what an amazing time in which to be alive!
    (And I do thank you for commenting here, my friend.) Blessings, Debra


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