Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June This And That

1.) Man, I keep forgetting to ask if you saw the videos from the 50th Reunion of the Little House on the Prairie tv show in Simi Valley. So did you?  ヅ

During that March weekend, I watched the videos while attendees uploaded them. Fun stuff which brought back many memories.

A few favorites to get you started are here. And here. And here.

2.) Did you know you can use castor oil as a before bedtime facial moisturizer? This was recommended by Homestead Tessie and I really like the results.

3.) Been meaning to show you one of my oldest binders, one from back in my collage-making days. I like the way this cover page turned out:

4.) I'm rereading An Enemy Called Average and if you're feeling stuck these crazy days? I highly recommend it. Always I find it hard to sit still while reading this book! I want to jump up and be excellent, instead.

You can read this, free, at Open Library.

Speaking of Open Library, whenever I discover 'books with potential' there, I click on the 'currently reading' button. That way they remain on my personal list and I don't forget to later try reading them.

I seriously love Open Library, partly because of my desire for expensive funky, vintage books. There, I can read them, free, sometimes choosing to buy them elsewhere only if it's a book I'll read many times over.

5.) What I've also forgotten? To show you my new dining room curtains and tablecloth. The old curtains were getting on my nerves: too bright, too cheap thin-looking. I still loved the tablecloth my friend, Anne, gave me, but it clashed with the new curtains so now it remains a 'petticoat' (along with another one) beneath the new tablecloth.
Someday I'll share not-so-dark photos of each, but for now, for an idea--

(Got the curtains, free, with credit card reward points.) 

Because I want our main level to declare 'we love Autumn' I've added more harvest gold lately for balance. And love the way things are turning out.

6.) Some movies we've enjoyed lately:

Arthur The King (starts slow, gets better)
Living (very, very slow, but good)

And we finished the Chips episodes which, honestly, were comfort tv for me these past 3 months. We're actually now watching a few over again. ('Free' via Prime/Freevee.)

7.) I never tire of stories where you know an angel was involved:

8.) The books I've finished reading so far in June:

A Widow's Walk, Off-Grid to Self-Reliance by Annie Dodds
How To Age Without Getting Old by Joyce Meyer
The Wind Blows Free by Loula Grace Erdman
The Wide Horizon by Loula Grace Erdman
Mystery in Longfellow Square by Mary C. Jane
The Good Land by Loula Grace Erdman
Eat the Cookie .. Buy the Shoes by Joyce Meyer
Just Wait Till You Have Children of Your Own by Erma Bombeck
Come Be My Love by Lavinia R. Davis
(And I'm nearly finished with A Kind of Paradise by Amy Rebecca Tan)

9.)  If you enjoy dollhouses and dioramas you may love this as much as I did!

Here's a Minnesota couple who are choosing a different style of retirement. Interesting!

If you love antiques in old houses you'll probably appreciate this tour of the Gertrude Smith House.

10.) Truth!

Therefore, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain.

---1 Corinthians 15:58.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I just love the way you opened this post! Oh man I have been meaning to tell you... just like we were friends in person having coffee. ; )

    I ordered the Joyce Meyer book on aging from Abebooks so I will have in about two weeks. Looking forward to it. And the castor oil- who knew! And so cheap!

    I have been wanting to see Boys in the Boat. Thank you for the recommendations as always!

    I enjoyed the vlog on being wealthy. It would be so great if younger people could get this earlier in life rather than later.

    I have enjoyed seeing Melissa Gilbert on Instagram. She is a cute granny! Still so spunky!

  2. I really enjoyed seeing the video about the couple in Minnesota. While I think I could really enjoy living this way in a nice climate, I don't think Minnesota's winters are for me, when you have to haul your own water and have no electricity.
    Thanks for all of the links today, I'll try to check them out.

  3. Thanks for all the links in your post today. I enjoyed checking them out. Also, I really like your list of books that you read...

  4. I think your dining room looks so pretty with your new drapes and tablecloth. It's fun to change things up once in awhile.

    Watching the Minnesota couple made me think. When they talked about how their days are spent taking care of their needs, it made me wonder if I could work that hard. I lived in Minnesota from the time I was 12 until I was in my thirties, and it's beautiful, but the temps can be extreme.

    Thanks for this post, Debra!

  5. Angela--I so enjoyed yur comment! Thank-you. And I love what you said about how I opened this--it reminded me of what Meg Ryan said in You've Got Mail and that's just how I like to think of my own posts. And yay! I think you'll enjoy the Joyce Meyer book. I'm reading it for the third time and I've underlined nearly everything. :) I'm letting her words about aging soak into my mind and they're making me accept this growing older stuff more gracefully than I had been. Thanks again!

    Thanks, Betsy! I found that retired couple's way of living so interesting, but there's no way I could live that way. heh. But I do enjoy seeing how others are choosing to live differently than the norm. Oh, and I need to get over to your blog--haven't been there in at least a week and it feels more like a month. :)

    jnkbake--I'm so happy you're enjoying the links! And thanks for mentioning my list of books read. It's kinda rare that people like the same books I do. Ha! :) Thanks again.

    Pam-- you're the only one who mentioned my new dining room curtains and tablecloth, so thanks for that! And like I told Betsy--the Minnesota couple were so interesting, but honestly, I don't even want to live that way even if I could. Hee... I don't wish to work harder now and I have no dreams of traveling, but again, I do love to see how people choose to live their lives, especially if it's a very different way than the norm.

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  6. Hi Debra!

    I received Joyce's Aging book. I am on chapter four. I like it very well. It is so positive! I had decided when I was very young not to be like some old people who talk mostly of doctors' appointments and aches and pains. No one can do anything for you and it boring! So I am pretty good with that part. Are you familiar with The Old Nun's Prayer? I think you would like it, I laminated it and use it for a bookmark to read often!

    Here is one link /

    I can't believe I left you a link! : )


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