Tuesday, December 12, 2023

When God Asks Us to Move Forward--And We Finally Do

"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."   --- Colossians 3:14


Still here! Just needed a break. December and all that.  ツ

Remember when, for 8 years, we had that 100 foot hedge around two sides of Hobbit Cottage? We kept it so to gain some privacy for our open-yard corner lot.

Privacy shmivancy.

Man, after yanking those 6 foot tall bushes out, I realized how unfriendly they'd appeared. What were we thinking keeping those hedges? Back then, while porch-sitting, almost no passersby chatted with me through that green wall, yet now? 

In the openness, lots of folks speak as they round our corner.

One young man mentioned not feeling well, having all sorts of ailments, but needing to walk to work anyway. "I'll be sure to pray for you, " I told him. He thanked me. Called me Honey. Seeing him again 10 days later I asked, "How are you feeling?" and he said, "Much better, Honey! Thank-you. Feels great to feel good again!"

Neighbors tell me we have a pretty yard and they love our flowers. Some delivery folks thank me for the bucket of snacks and water we keep out for them. I sense folks walking their dog really appreciate when I call out, "Oh, that's such a cute dog you have!"

Some stroll past and exclaim, "Hello! Isn't this weather gorgeous?"

Since the 90's, I'd become way more gregarious out at stores and such, but still, for decades, in our various yards, I craved my hometime privacy above kindness to others.

I clung too long to an older, shyer version of my yard self, not giving that over to God. Holding back part of myself--when does that ever work out God's way?

This is better, this friendliness and availability to encourage strangers from my own front yard. And wow, the past 4 years of openness is far more godly, joy-inducing and fun.

But oh, what I missed behind those hedges, the real ones and those I'd allowed to encircle my heart.

And yes, we do grow to these better places, but too often--in my own experience--the ignoring of godly conviction made it a much l-o-n-g-e-r growth journey.

Oh, the tragedy of not fully becoming who God intended!


Books I finished reading in November:

Pulp Friction by Julie Anne Lindsey
Just Wait Till You Have Children of Your Own by Erma Bombeck
Wildings: The Secret Garden of Eileen Soper by Duff Hart Davis
Checking Out Crime by Laurie Cass (Began well, then dragged on and on. It's rare for me to finish a book I'm not liking much.)

Oh, and Mary C. Jane is my all-time favorite middle grade mystery author. You can read some of her books here at Open Library. My favorite, Mystery of the Red Carnations, is available cheaply on Kindle.


Need a cozy, isn't-winter-lovely video? Here you go. And here. Here's another. Okay, just one more.

And  wow! How exciting was this?  Times Square Billboards Taken Over By Nativity Scene.  Many inspiring God-things are happening during these crazy days--are you watching for them?

And oh my, being a rabid fan of the Avonlea tv series, I did so enjoy this: Remembering Jackie Burroughs.

Here's a video I listen to while puttering upstairs because of its peaceful music.


Your place in this world matters!

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I like the video of the artist living in a 500 year old unrefurbished home.

  2. Another great post. Sometimes those walls we build around ourselves are invisible ones. I'm glad that you discovered all there is on the other side of your green walls. I've read of some of those encounters and cheered you on!
    That NY Times Square video made my heart sing. The faces of the people told it all. Jesus was born! Hallelujah!
    Blessings and love,

  3. I think most of us crave peace and we think building walls or hedges will help us find it. There have been times when I've hemmed myself in for different reasons. What I do know is that God's way almost always includes loving and serving others. Yep, that means opening my arms to the world. He can restore us in a blink of an eye, and it seems if we say yes to him, we receive His sweet rest...nothing compares.

    I love that you sit on your porch and greet whomever the Lord sends by. Sounds like a ministry to me. The world needs to see a friendly smile and hear a word of encouragement.

    Two weeks ago, we had a very scary thing happen. My husband had a stroke and was rushed by ambulance to the nearest hospital. A CT scan and MRI showed damage to the left side of his brain, and that affected the right side of his body. Thank God, he was able to walk, but his right arm and the right side of his face were pitiful. He couldn't understand simple questions and his words were mixed up. He couldn't even lift his right arm or form a fist. I'm gonna admit, I was scared at first. As I drove behind the ambulance I was way past anxious. But you know what? The Lord settled in around us. He sent Steve the helpers he needed. He was in the hospital for two weeks, and one of those weeks was intense therapy. At first, they told us they'd try to get him home for Christmas. But God had other plans. From that first day, Steve started to improve. Little by little. He worked so hard that I worried about him. He had lots of good therapists who spent hours with him, every day. As we got acquainted with his caregivers, we started to hear their stories. We shared our faith in Jesus. As difficult as it was, it was also a marvelous and life-changing time for us. God saw fit to touch Steve and restore him. He still has some work to do on his right hand, but it's working fine, just weak. God loves us and wants to love others through us. Sorry for the length of this comment, but what I really want to say is that we can love and help others, even in the middle of what looks like a mess. Praise God! I only wish I could sit on your porch, with you Debra! Someday I will!

  4. Terra--so happy you liked that video! It would be easy to feel as though you'd stepped back in time while living there, right?

    Thanks, Betsy! So glad you enjoyed the post and also, that you liked the NYC video, which felt so encouraging--all those folks interested in what suddenly popped up on the screens--the truth!

    Pam--oh dear! I'm so sorry your husband had a stroke. How scary that must have been for you all. But how wonderful all the healing he's had. Wow! I'll be praying thet he'll continue to improve. How good of God to give him more time with you and your family.

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  5. I love your little blog but I'm not sure I have ever commented before. :) I love that you mention Mary C. Jane. Have so many of her books - ex-library copies that I treasure. Love The Mystery of the Red Carnations! Thanks for all the ideas of possible books and movies to watch.

  6. Donna Alice Patton--thank-you so much for letting me know you enjoy Mary C. Jane's books! Wow, usually people have never heard of those. That's also wonderful that you love The Mystery of the Red Carnations. I reread that one every year, perhaps even twice yearly! I'm glad you enjoyed the other recommendations and again, thanks for telling me and for reading here!

    Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.