Saturday, July 22, 2023

After a Year of 'No's,' We Received a 'Yes'

"Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."   --- Matthew 6:8


The devastation of losing Daniel the Cat? Probably a 9. 

Oh dear. Both Tom and I were struggling with this loss and although the comfort from God and prayers of friends hugely helped, one thing majorly lifted the heavy grief from my shoulders.

What was it? Allowing myself to consider bringing home another cat to Hobbit Cottage which no longer feels like home without one.

Seriously, the dreaming of a new cat felt like the joy only God can splash down. Like sunny, sparkling skies after black cloud afternoons. Like glee following sorrowing.

Probably I'd thought no more cats because these last months were my Year of 'No's':

No more vacations (most likely. Even staycations are iffy).
No more onions, Buffalo wings, salmon (lest I become terribly sick).
No more thoughts of moving to a different house (not enough energy).
No more ability to tackle large decorating projects (remember, I'm a decorator at heart).
No more evening meals (that's too much food and we can't sleep).
No more grace for the local cafe (I've not visited in a year).

And of course, barring a miracle, no grandchildren. But you know? I'm okay with that one (and growing in peace with the others), but no more cats? No more little buddy to hang-out with while watching Tim Janis' bird videos or snuggling within my tiny closet room, or being happily greeted at the backdoor? 

No more feeling the kitty kind of unconditional love? Oh dear. 

Yet wow, what a joy to realize the only 'no' was from me, not from God nor from Life circumstances, but rather, from imagining a similar dreadful sorrow of loss years ahead. And yet! The price of struggling through a few days of grief in no way compares to thousands of cat days of happiness.

I'd forgotten that.

So after a year of 'no's', oh glory be! I received a 'yes'. Just give me 2 or 3 weeks to prepare, to finish some projects, making me available to devote extra time to welcome a new cat, home.

And color me grateful for this 'yes' from God, one I needed far more than you know.


Something else which helped me this week? 

I began creating a new photo book at MixBook. This will be my 3rd one (I mentioned the others here, scroll down) and for this one I'll include favorite cat photos from Hobbit Cottage, autumn photos and best 'round the house and yard photos and also, encouraging sentences from this blog, ones I believe God gave me.

Has anyone else created photo books, either from Mixbook or other online places? I'd love to know the subjects you centered yours around.

Also? I had some photos of Daniel printed and sent to me from WM. This one sits at the bottom of our stairs and I keep pausing, touching his nose and whispering, "Love you, pup."   ッ


During our last days of a free trial at Apple +, we're watching this adorable show, Best Foot Forward. The young boy in the lead is wonderful, not letting having been born without the lower half of his left leg stop him in Life. What a terrific little actor, as well!


Oooo... over 100 beautiful photos which reminded me that many decorating kindred spirits exist out there. Many.

Wow! An imaginative tiny house in France. I enjoyed lots of their ideas.

And I found this intriguing:  Ida Mayfield Wood: Mystery Millionairess. How wild all the choices, good or bad, are possible in this life.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Hearing "Yes" can be such a wonderful experience. I think you and your family will have many treasured moments with your next kitty. Just think, God already has one picked out especially for you!

  2. Thousands of cat days of happiness are ahead for you, I am glad God prompted you with a yes to a kitty cat who needs a home.

  3. I can't wait to see your new family member. You have so many days of happiness ahead of you. God has the purr-fect kitty picked out of you.
    When our Chloe-girl died 3 years ago we said no more animals. It's too hard on your heart and Dennis was more strong minded about that decision than me and I agreed with him.
    Then we somehow ended up with our little Zoey. We love her SO MUCH! Dennis is the worst! :-) She is his baby.
    I wish you the best my friend and I know you still miss your little one. I'll keep praying for you.


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