Thursday, May 11, 2023

Speed Gratitude--Or--Drop And Give Me Twenty

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."   --- 1 Thessalonians 5:18


Back in December while head-complaining upon my pillow one night inside my tiny (tho' adorable) closet room, it's as though the Holy Spirit said, "I want you to list 20 things for which you are grateful."

Remember those old tv shows/movies where men in charge would quip to an offender, "Drop and give me twenty push-ups"? Yeah, it was rather like that, yet in a kinder tone.  シ

Listing 20 gratitudes was a way, it seemed, to correct, erase, the previous whining. To make-up for earlier offenses.

Well, this became a habit and whenever I (or the Holy Spirit) catch myself with a complainy heart, I 'hear', "Stop and give me 20 gratitudes! See if you can do it speedily, in less than 1 minute." 

As with everything in Life, this is easier said than done, especially when God asks that I mix it up a tad. But I'm a gal who appreciates a valuable challenge:

Don't always repeat the same list, He instructs.
Add some from-years-earlier gratitudes.
Include unique thank-you's: people, places, things, memories, provisions, your current dreams for the future, etc.
Be creative.

Really, I'm hoping to become a Professional Gratitude Person. Anyone else want to accept that challenge?


Oh dear--the past 2+ weeks! Test after test which I did not always pass. Er hem.

Tom's ingrown toe nail nearly turned into a sepsis issue(!)

Daniel The Cat injured his spine. At first he favored one leg, then couldn't take more than 3 steps. Currently he's on 'bed rest' inside a giant dog crate in our living room's center. Any prayers are appreciated.

My friend, Donna, passed away.  How grateful I am that God, since 2021, led me to books and testimonies regarding Heaven! Daily Heaven's on my mind and I feel even closer now that Donna's there. Closer, and more comforted.

My favorite post about Donna is here and always I'll be grateful for our farm-time season of friendship. Thank-you, Donna. You'll greet me when I arrive and I can't wait to see you and your lovely new home, art studio and garden, as well. 

...and as I wrote at Facebook:

A friend entered Heaven last night and I'm taking a quiet day, time to contemplate and remember what she meant to me and all the special times we shared.
For those of you, my friends, who are still here? I want to say aloud, thank-you for the immense good you have poured into my life. I appreciate each of you.

My new 'gratitude game' has proven so helpful these past two tough weeks!

... and also Donna is the one who painted this picture of our farm for us:


Don't you love it when God leads you to something which encourages you much during hard times? Yesterday this video reminded me about the value of doing projects, especially during difficulties. (And her current list outweighs mine. Oh dear.)

Oh my! There was just something so peaceful about this Bahamas home. Anyone else think so, as well?


Last weekend Tom and I watched Jesus Revolution. Enjoyed it. Mostly.  シ

"Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ..."   --- Ephesians 5:20

... and may we all voice our appreciation of our friends while we still can.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Hi Debra! I like the graditude game. It's a good way to get yourself out of a bad mood. I reread your post about your friend who passed. She sure was a great person. You were lucky to know her. Also, I watched Clutter bugs video, very inspiring. I am going to watch some of the videos she recommends. Really good post from you!

  2. Oh Debra, you've got me smiling at the thought of the Lord telling you to give Him 20 (and make it snappy!). I really believe a grateful heart changes us and those around us. It's so important, yet not always an automatic response--even for us believers.

    Thank God for your dear friend, Donna! I read the link to the post about her. It sounds like she was a warrior that went through much, yet stayed the course. Praise God!

    We lost a good friend last Saturday. While talking to my husband, we realized we haven't really lost many of our peers. This man was a bit older than we are, but he had been our neighbor for years and we loved him and his family!

    No goodbyes--just "see ya later!"


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.