Thursday, March 16, 2023

Why This is a Most Beautiful Birthday

"Oh give thanks for He is good; His mercy endures forever."   ... Psalm 107:1


First, we survived covid. 

Then last week, nearly all my hearing returned. (Scary stuff before that: the infection happened in my only 'good ear'. Then God used this no-nonsense guy to show me how to fix what could've become permanent. Yikes!)

After all that? I entered into a deeper level of gratitude than ever before and wow. May I never leave this serene, incredible place. Ever.

This morning Tom gave me a dvd I'd wanted for years (this one, which inspired my favorite drama, Early Edition) so 6:30 a.m. found me on the red couch watching it while snacking upon the dark chocolate, organic mint ice cream and cranberry seltzer water from Naomi.

Friends at Facebook are leaving me sweet messages. Our purple crocuses are blooming, my daylilies are poking their stems from the ground.

Yesterday I did extra housework so today I could do only what I wish and on this birthday the sun is shining. These 36 degrees felt warm, even, while I walked down to the Salvation Army drop-off and the little free library around the corner.

Update: In the afternoon I sat upon our sunny concrete steps reading If These Walls Could Talk (mentioned below). Oh, my heart's celebration!

During a Buffalo, NY winter? It barely gets better than all that.

I highly (highly!) recommend these limitless layers, hills of gratitude. From here, all appears brighter, sweeter and of deeper significance.

May I never step away, but rather, venture even deeper still into this happy land where tiny things appear huge and glorious.

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."   ... 1 Thessalinans 5:18

Do we consistently thank God for giving us Life?  Are we asking Him to help us make this gift of life an incredible one?

"Gratitude makes everything we have more than enough." ---  Susan L. Taylor


Places you may enjoy visiting:

I own two beautiful I'll-never-give-these-away books of essays about memories of home. You can now read both at Open Library:

(If anyone can recommend similar books of essays, please let me know, ok?)


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. HaPpY BiRtHdAy! I hope your day remains s great one and I'm glad that you're having a serene quiet day. It's snowing heavily here and yesterday was 65F! Truly the way of saying if you don't like the weather, wait a minute it will change. :-)


  2. Happy Birthday Dear Debra!! I am so glad to hear that you're having a great day! In spite of some difficult health challenges, you've continued to stay grateful. Not always easy, but absolutely the right thing to do. God has come through, again, sweet sister. May this be a very blessed year in your life!! xoxo

  3. So glad you had a wonderful birthday ... being able to see those "seemingly small" GOD surprises is the best way to be ... i celebrated my birthday in February and Leo said since it's a short month anyway, i should just celebrate the whole month ... haha ... i kinda did that ... it was good ... GOD is GOOD ... and i am so grateful! HUGS to you, birthday gal!

  4. Happy, happy birthday! I'm going to try what the guy in the video suggests - I always have ear issues!

  5. Thank-you, Betsy! My entire day felt special and I was even able to sit outside and read awhile--just the second time this year! Thanks for making my day even nicer!

    Pam--thanks so much for your good wishes and kind words! I appreciate them much.

    Saija--what a wonderful idea of Leo's! And I'm so glad you were able to celebrate longer. Lately I've been learning the importance of celebrations--even God thinks so according to the Bible. Thanks again!

    Jammie! Thank-you and for also mentioning that video. The main reason I shared it was because it might help other people. What also helped me was avoiding cow-dairy products, taking 1000 units Vit. C twice daily and steaming my face with a hot wash cloth morning and evening. Thanks again for reading here and for your comments!

    Thank-you, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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