Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Where She's Attended The Best College for 22 Years

 "I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest."   --- John 4:35


So one day in September of 2000 I felt as though all my friends had disappeared from The Real World. Poof! Gone. 

Where did I discover them again? Inside this Internet World.

So finally, feeling a bit irked, co-erced, but also curious, I jumped into the Net. Twenty-two years later, I've (mostly) never looked back.  ツ

All the kindred spirits! The school friends who'd vanished. All the opportunities to encourage everyone. The whole 'fields ripe unto harvest' thing. These are my favorite parts of the Net.

But next on that list? The way anyone with spunk can attend college here, that is, one they create and design for themselves. For just monthly provider fees I've searched for all the beneficial, worthwhile and interesting information my mind could ever crave--for daily and lifetime use.

At 18, my one year in 'real' college was, well, a drag, (oh, what I've never used since!) yet the 22 years in this Internet one were (are) fascinating. Engrossing. Helpful.

The college I've designed here basically helps me live Life as God meant me to and oh, the adventures of that.

Some specific 'courses'?

... shopping groceries for less
... creating budget meals
... prepping food for any emergency

Home Care and Decorating:
... design and color basics
... creating a personalized, comfortable home.
... hacks and ways to fix broken things
... ways to remain organized
... learning creative skills like woodworking, sewing, crocheting, etc.

... soil preparation, rotating crops
... where to place a garden
... composting and so much more

... discovering foods and vitamins so to stay healthy
... knowing how to recognize food allergies
... living with a restricted diet
... learning how to sleep better at night.

... traveling our Country's states via videos
... learning about other countries and their people and homes

... learning from others' experiences, good and bad
... finding inspiration from long ago heroes
... discovering the classic books
... delving into subjects like Great Lakes shipwrecks, 1900's mansions of the wealthy, the Gold Rush, the Great Depression, The Titanic, etc.

... ways to improve writing techniques.
... how to increase vocabulary.

... and of course, learning all sorts of Bible concepts from good teachers.

Yet truly, this is just a small sampling of where my college years took me. Whatever you want and need to learn--it's here on the Internet. For me, the most helpful places are Youtube, Open Library and also, websites not government-related or sponsored (don't get me started).  シ

The beginning of a new year? A perfect time to start college life here on the Net--and may you enjoy it even far more than I have.

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."   --- 2 Timothy 2:15

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

“Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Other 'courses' at Youtube:

Personalized fashion 
Planning a working capsule wardrobe
Prepping emergency supplies
Organic living
Painting, wallpapering
Food preservation
House building
Crafting of all kinds
Biographical history of authors and others
Small space living
Film and music history
Small business start-up
Working from home
... and much more!


Newly-discovered favorite Youtube channels:

Big Old Boats (videos not for the faint of heart, but for unknown reasons, I've loved shipwreck history for 30 years). Part-Time Explorer is also excellent.

Chateau de la Ferte  While viewing this video I thought, "These people must have bionic parts!!" Never have I watched such a happily-hardworking couple. Wow.

Johanna's Dream Home  And this young woman! Johanna blew me away here with her woodworking and decorating skills. How marvelous to make a room look as though it was decorated decades ago and her foreign flair (as Susan in the comments noted, she's from Romania) and knick-knacks enchant me. 
And oh! I discovered this lovely episode today. Johanna's doing an incredible job on this house handed down through her family.

“The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And all the sweet serenity of books”
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 

 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I really love this upbeat post Debra. I'm remided me how our smallest acts can be noteworthy. Information of any kind can be found online so thre's no ecse

  2. Maybe the easy access to information--of all sorts--is one of the biggest changes in my lifetime. Not so many years ago, I had dictionaries, atlases, and encyclopedias to provide answers. Remember when the encyclopedia salespeople came to the door to show you (and sell) the annual updated reference book? There were many trips to the library to do research for school projects. Whenever we were sick, we'd have an old medical book that we could check out, and if we didn't get well, we'd go to the doctor. We kept a few trusty cookbooks to guide us in the kitchen. Truly, I can't imagine going back to the way things used to be. I'm very grateful for the internet (although there are days I probably spend too much time on it).

  3. When I was a child we had an encyclopedia set of World Book. How I loved them. Then there also was the library where my free card enabled me to look at any book I chose - it was like being immediately rich beyond dreams. Once I was married (first time) in the 80's I had a beginner computer and discovered "bulletin boards", where you dialed a number and when connected, you were in a group of people based on things like Bible, Christianity, Gardening, Crafts, etc. I loved that. Then, in the late 80's and early 90's the internet browser was born - and the world was an open book. Ever since then information has been a feast as long as I found what I was looking for - and I did. I ignored the evil and looked in other places for beautiful things. Joanna's Dream House is very interesting. At first I thought she was in northern California, judging by the scenery around her home - but then I read the fine print and found out she is in Romania. How wonderful to see into her life. Thanks again, Debra!!

  4. I too am a huge fan of Joanna. May I also suggest Vanwives and Elise Buch - two more of my many favorite U-tube vloggers.

  5. Thank-you, Betsy! It really is amazing that just learning a little each day will add up to so much knowledge over the years, right?

    Pam-- while writing this I also was reminded of how much effort gaining knowledge required back in the days when we were young. It did make for some good memories, but now that we're less likely to do all that running around, we appreciate the convenience more. Or I do, anyway. :)

    You're welcome, Susan! I'm glad you're also enjoying Johanna. And it sounds as though you, Pam and I have similar stories regarding our searches for knowledge. I'm thinking I can add you to the list of folks who appreciate the ease of it these days!

    Sandi--thanks for reading here and for your further recommendations at Youtube! Both were interesting. Glad you enjoy Johanna's videos as well. I appreciate that she's different from all the women at Youtube who I've watched over the years. I'm thinking it's her foreign flair and her filming techniques and more.

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.