Monday, January 02, 2023

Resolutions? Yes, I Make Them. Happily.

"We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life."   --- Romans 6:4


A new year! Wow. Fresh opportunities to view Life a new way. To start something again, perhaps finishing it this time. To grow.

And yes, ol' Debra is making resolutions, not caring how many Facebook friends sneer at that idea, either. 

I mean, really. Why get all snarky and pessimistic about folks setting goals? (If I were those people I'd resolve to become less jaded, sarcastic and bitter.) Er hem.

Anyway, last January I felt God nudging me to spend 2022 becoming: 

1.) more grateful 
2.) more excellent 
3.) slower to speak 
4.) and less complainy.

Godly conviction! New year's resolutions can reflect our godly convictions. Know the advantage of that? When God convicts us to do something, Grace is standing there to help us accomplish it.

We're not guaranteed that benefit if we procrastinate. (Yikes.)

Now, today I'm looking at those 4 conviction-turned-resolutions and honestly asking myself, "How did I do?" 

Hmm... I grew in gratitude. 100%? No, but I grew, I paid attention, and that's what matters.

And around our house both Tom and I grew in excellence. Kinda had to because after 10 years, Hobbit Cottage fell apart. Well, sort-of. Seems we spent the entire year paying to have things fixed, but you know? It's ok. 

Things around here are more efficient, safe, unclogged, better-decorated, less-cluttered and our heads feel lighter from fewer concerns.

Finally we tackled our basement! And immediately afterward Naomi needed to move in. We 3 each have 'our own floor' (in a way) and Hobbit Cottage suddenly feels hundreds of square feet larger.

No one's getting on anyone's nerves so obviously, God and Grace are involved.  シ

Now, the slower-to-speak thing. Yes, I witnessed miracles in that area. Still have room to grow there? Of course! Yet at least now I'm cognizant. Actively tweaking loud-mouth stuff.

But the complaining thing. Gah. I'm not sure about that one. I seem to recall ol' Debra complaining tons lots. Sigh.

Yet will I mope and feel all defeated about that? No. Why not? Because too often self-condemning folks collapse in dark ditches, sulking, while people who received forgiveness are walking past them on the street above. Traveling forward.

New Year Resolutions! I love them, take them seriously, even the fun ones:

Read more books!
Be a better friend!
Encourage more people!
Discover new projects!
Fix annoying things!
Keep decluttering!
Share more books and movies here!

I've more fun resolutions, but this is plenty long already.

I'll end this by saying may you make resolutions, fun ones, holy ones. And I hope you've discovered the joys of a well-lived life, one where becoming like Jesus is the greatest goal---

---an attainable target as long as we allow Him to direct and lead and change us.

And yes, we can set goals anytime of the year! But why not now at the beginning of 12 fresh months? Why not when it's on our minds? Why be all contrarion about it, instead?

"For nothing will be impossible with God..."   --- Luke 1:37

I'm expecting wonderful things in 2023--how about you?


Remember when I bought these?

I found an additional use for them: as clips for my hanging clothes which would otherwise slide off the hangers. Other uses? To seal bags of bread or frozen vegetables or fruits.

Oh, and lately my nostalgia-loving heart has enjoyed this. Soothing, and certainly whisks me back a few decades! Department Store Music from 1979.

I love making new year resolutions!
Setting new goals. Aiming for specifics and hitting at least half rather than aiming for nothing and hitting it all.
The anticipation of God walking us through changes!
Feeling the stretch and a sweeter dependence upon Him.
Fresh ideas!
Staying open. Dreaming.
Having God partner with our heart while living-out new year resolutions means no failing
if, always, we get back up having learned and grown stronger
by the new year's end because
we did step out
we did try
we did obey
and we did come closer to fulfilling
His many reasons for imagining us,
for placing us here
to know Love, to be loved and to grow in love
toward others.

Did I complete any of my 2022 resolutions 100 percent? No. I did not. But I aimed at them and advanced far more than if I'd aimed at nothing. 
Never allow disappointment of yourself or others to color your entire world. Move forward in godly, anticipatory joy, instead!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Good for you Debra! I like the resolutions you've chosen for this year. I have never been very good at keeping resolutions. As many people, I do well for a month or two but then fall apart. However I have chosen two words that keep coming to mind lately. (I couldn't narrow it down to one. So I figured why not two?) I've never chosen a word before. Mine for this year are generosity and listen. I need to be better at listening to the still small voice of the Lord.
    I'm also planning to read the Bible through this year again. Dennis read it through at least seven times last year, I should be able to do once, right?
    I also want to keep a journal of all of my knitting/crochet projects with details. That way I can look back and know exactly what size needle/hook I used or what yarn worked best.
    Happy New Year Debra!
    Blessings and love,

  2. Such an encouraging post, Debra! Living with intention has always felt right to me. In fact, I don't think I'd get anything done, otherwise. Yesterday, I filled in special dates on my new calendar. As I looked at each month of 2022 I was reminded of much. Joys and sorrows. Accomplishments and floundering. The one thing I know for sure is regardless of what I'm able to accomplish in 2023, God will be with me. He never fails us.


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