Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving and a Gift (Of Sorts)

"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."  ---Galations 6:9


On this lovely Thanksgiving Eve I'm wishing you a wonderful time with whomever you spend it tomorrow and beyond.

As always I'm grateful for you!  

I'm blown away that you visit here year after year and hopefully, you leave with the bits of encouragement God asks me to pass along.

Now, making a huge jump ... You know how we all have pet peeves? One of mine is when Christians insist, "They never make good movies anymore! I refuse to watch anything out there these days."

Oh really?

Well, when I reach Heaven and a film of my life plays? Oh dear, may the majority not resemble this--

How much sweeter to create a life of hour-by-hour watchfulness for things going right and to be anticipated rather than the opposite.

And something gone-right for me in 2022? These films, below, each a delight, each a reminder that all is not lost in the media world.

So here you go, an early holiday gift and one way I've chosen to express my belief that, yes! Some good movies do still get created these days.

What matters is that we search for them, believing, never giving-up too soon and always passing along the blessings we, ourselves, have so richly received.

"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share..."   -- 1 Timothy 6:18

It's the seekers who find things, not the crabby giver-uppers.  ツ


Naomi did the sweetest thing. She bought lots of treats and then set up a 'giving station' beside our mailbox for all delivery people. This is something I've meant to do for years, but yeah, 'meant to do' doesn't bless God's heart.

Er hem.

Anyway, yesterday we had all sorts of delivery folks, but one especially was nice. He rang the Ring doorbell, smiled, mouthed 'thank-you' and shook one of the snacks in front of the camera. Naomi saw the film of that and felt very touched. 

I'd stepped outside as the guy neared his truck and he said thanks and wished us a happy Thanksgiving.

Color me more blessed than usual.



Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I just love Naomi's idea for gifting the service people who help us all. Debra, please tell her I had a "first" this week. We have wonderful garbage collectors who we appreciate much. They always come at the same time on Monday mornings, and before they got here, I sensed the Lord telling me to make some goody bags for them. Mostly candy bars, but hey, God didn't give me enough time to bake. I quickly made up bags and wrote "Happy Thanksgiving" on them. I ran them out to the guys as they were loading our trash. The older fellow asked me if he could hug me and of course I said yes. That was a first, hugging my garbage man in our driveway.

    Debra, thank you for the movie list. I'm hoping we can watch a few, now that the weather is keeping us inside more.

    Many thanks to you, Debra, for all the time and effort you put into your blog. I'm sure your readers would agree that we are much better for it! Happy Thanksgiving!! xoxo

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Debra! And thank you for the list of movies. Our life is so busy that I don't know when we'll have time for a movie, but it's good to know that they're there and waiting. :-)
    Wonderful idea that Naomi had to make up the goodie box. I'm sure it will be appreciated throughout the holiday season.
    I hope your holiday is a blessed one my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  3. Pam--that was aa wonderful godly idea! I'm sure the sanitation workers so appreciated your kindness. Oh, all the people we take for granted, right? Let me know if you enjoyed any of the movies, ok?

    Betsy--I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, but restful also, given all you've done these past weeks! As I told Pam, I hope you'll let me know if you watch any of the movies.

    I appreciate you both and what I was thinking this past week? Most definitely you will receive gifts in Heaven for so faithfully encouraging me to keep writing here. Seriously. I know that to be true!

    Thank-you much! Blessings, Debra


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