Monday, October 31, 2022

When Things Go Wrong

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."   --- Isaiah 41:10


Oh dear. One week ago something happened.

Here's how I explained it at Facebook:

"Tom, Naomi and I would welcome any prayers after an incident happened outside Monday night, the first of any kind in our 11 years at Hobbit Cottage. It'll mean some changes, like, after 2 years of van life, Naomi will move back inside our house. We're all fine! But this incident did shake us a bit so really, thank-you for your prayers as we make a few changes around here."

I've chosen to remain vague about this. There's our privacy and also, not wanting you to freak-out or Blogger to pick up on certain key words. But please know none of us was physically harmed.

Yet we were frightened, especially Naomi, and oh Honey, the temptations to seethe and be angry about that, to resent the person who made my courageous little girl start discussing dead bolts, security cameras and perhaps never playing drums on stage again.

But anger worsens things, God reminds me. Ruins the life we created, how we daily feel, and opens doors to dark rooms within where it becomes difficult to, later, find the door to escape.

So what I did, instead? After getting Naomi's ok (and hugging her, telling her she'll get through this as she has all else so far), I built a tiny apartment for her in our basement. Lined-up these three antique cupboards (old photo), below:

.... side by side to form a third wall in a corner, then rigged another partial wall with tall shelves.

(Remember how I wanted projects around here? Well, I certainly got one.)

I emptied and wiped down the cupboards. Bought a rug, mattresses. Then Tom bought black interlocking rubber floor mats and on Saturday Naomi created a gym along the back of the 'apartment'. We viewed it yesterday, told her it was perfect.

This is a temporary fix. To make it more permanent (and legal) we'll need to change one of the windows for the sake of egress, which is doable.

For exactly 2 years Naomi chose a different lifestyle, one inside her van and learned much about living off-grid. Solar options, battery packs, living simply and using carpentry skills. She had adventures, ones most of us will never experience.

That season has ended. But you know? Whenever one chapter ends, there's a page to turn for the next and we're wise to remember--during the healing time--new adventures await farther up the road.

And we thank you for your prayers in the meantime.

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."   --- 2 Timothy 1:7

"Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil."   --- Psalm 37:8

Difficult times reveal to us how seriously we took all our previous Life lessons. Also, how would it look if I stayed fearful, unforgiving, and told you, "I am spittin' mad!," when I so often teach against those things here? Hmm?  ヅ

And hey! This was another example of the benefits of listening to God and following His timing. The basement was repaired and repainted right before Naomi needed to use it. It's like a whole nearly-new space down there. God is good!


Something I found comforting this past 'week of tests' was rewatching the old Sherlock Holmes films from the 1940's. Perfect for autumn, really.

Also, my first Dana Girls mystery books arrived (somehow I'd never read these before) and they've been sweetly comforting as well. (Some can be found at Open Library, but sometimes a gal just has to grasp old books within her hands.) Those adorable vintage covers, right?


Oh, and I so appreciated all comments and concerns from my friends at Facebook. Thank-you!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Glad no one was physically hurt. And she has a place to go. A safe place. You have your projects and she has a home. Blessings.

  2. We just never know what's going to happen next! So thankful the three of you are okay. As you pointed out, Debra, the Lord saw to it that the basement was completed just when Naomi needed it. Praise God for always showing up exactly where, when and how we need him!

    Naomi's apartment looks nice with the cabinets and that old table (I had a table like that many years ago, and loved it). What a blessing to have this space for her!

  3. I'm so glad that you are able to be there for Naomi and provide her with a safe haven. May the Lord give her, (and you two), peace in your hearts after this scare. It sounds as if you have made a very cozy spot for her in the basement. I think that's what Dennis worries about the most about not having a house. Even though we have had NO kids at home for 14 years, he always wants them to have a place with us. I can't see any of them EVER coming home again. Alex and his family will stay in Mandy's guest room, less than five minutes from our new apartment. We will be there all of the time except to sleep.
    Thank you for coming to my blog. I love having you visit.


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