Friday, October 07, 2022

Never Stop Believing 'The Best Is Yet To Be'!

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”  ---Isaiah 43:19


Still here!

But occasionally I get in a just-want-to-live-my-life-without-writing-about-it mood. This was one of those times.

Sometimes do you ever want to recreate (rearrange?) your present life? Oh not drastically, like packing up and sailing to foreign lands or adopting a child, switching careers, starting all over or redecorating your entire house.

No, just being contentedly creative--and interested in--where God has currently put you. Even if it appears an oh-hum place at a seen-it-all age.

You know, perhaps--

adding new cozy rituals, 
discarding old, un-graced ones. 
Or maybe snatching back lovely things you released long ago.
Being led by gratitude, not complaints,
breaking self-imposed chains of thought
and rediscovering, instead, a childhood-days freedom.

Well, that's where I've been. Recreating my life within the rooms (and yard) of this same ol' place so that it'll not feel so same ol', but rather, fresh and spirit-inspiring. And preparing for an interesting winter when my world will mostly happen within these 4 walls.

And while away, I remembered something--

Way back in 1975 my family lived in a house with a lavender upstairs bathroom. I was 16.

Still, nearly 50 years later, I recall the light lavender walls and the one with flowered wallpaper. The white-painted cabinetry, two hanging fluted lights on a pretty chain, gauzy lavender curtains at the window. 

Lovely, really.

And guess what? The designer/creator was a 16 year old girl, herself. Her junior year she redecorated this bathroom for her final grade in home economics class. 

Upon completion, her teacher visited the home, took notes, photos, and rewarded her with an A+. (I know these details because the previous family were our friends.)

That simple lavender bathroom? It awakened inside me deepest desires to create beauty within rooms. To, anywhere, make places for inspiration and renewal of mind. To keep innovating until all rooms expressed what sought to be released from inside me.


These days Grace reminds me if I'm bored at 63, feeling 'finished' with best, creative days, then it's all my fault. Deeper wells remain within us if we never abandon reaching down to draw from them.

God has certain, specific plans for us during each decade, no matter how our lives may change in appearance. No matter what may go away.

But it depends upon this: what's guiding our steps? Our doubts, our worries, our weariness of this world? 


-- He who makes all things new and surrounds us like a well-watered garden no matter what the apparent season?

All things new! God longs to make all things new for us. But that can only happen after we release our grasp of old things, especially unforgiveness, anger and fear. Too many Christians hold onto those yet are upset when they aren't living in the joy God promised us.

Only after we become brutally honest with ourselves will we begin to experience the joy that never leaves.

"Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be."  ---copied


Before the big tv invasion.

Speaking of decorating, yesterday I took back our fireplace mantel!

Since installing that obnoxious large tv over it, I'd missed my antique white dishes and seashells. So I returned a portion of them, and also, the side shelves at the left.

Especially with winter coming, I love these changes, or restoration, I should say. How wonderful to take what feels like a bold step, even if it appears small to others.


What makes you feel most alive? Chances are those things are somehow connected to why God placed you here.


Oh! And some of you might like this over-the-top Fall Home Tour (the owner, himself, called it over-the-top so I'm not criticizing. heh.). My eyes loved the elegant things, best.

But uh-oh. That video may give my minimalist friends heart palpatations, and not the good kind, either. So there's your warning.  シ


And wow! Did you see what Ariel did to her dining room? Another home run. 

And her earlier detailed video about creating her gallery wall is here.

Oh!  Here's an inspirational video , one which will show you a beautiful life is still possible even if you're not feeling well. 

If we follow Grace, she'll always lead us to beauty, even in the midst of everything-but.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. oh, yes and I think Fall does that to me. What a lovely post Thank you.

  2. Debra, I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying your home. It does make sense to do what brings us comfort and pleasure--especially with winter on the way. We spend most of our time inside our four walls, too.

    When I read your title, "The Best is Yet to Be" I couldn't help but remember a very special experience. My brother (my one and only sibling)and I were together, brokenhearted, because our beloved mom had collapsed with a massive heart attack during her Bible study at church. She was rushed to a big hospital but her doctors told us it was only a matter of time. Our dad had passed the previous year and we were sad to find ourselves facing another goodbye. I remember so clearly sitting next to my brother in the hospital, looking at our unresponsive mom, as the nurse removed the life support systems. As tears rolled down our faces, my brother said, "The best is yet to be." I believe.

  3. First off I want to say what a beautiful fall picture you have at the top of your blog ... thank you for sharing that! I love fall time (except for it being chillier than I would like. 😂 Still, the trees are breath-takingly beautiful!

    Your post immediately made me want to "make things new" around my apartment as well, but ... where to start?! I guess I'll have to think on it awhile and start making a list. 😃 What I'm working on now (and have been for a little while) is to get rid of things that I no longer want, nor need.

    The lavender bathroom sounds lovely! My only problem with that is that where I live we aren't allowed to paint the walls, nor wallpaper them which kind of limits me some.

    Have an awesome day and again, thank you for being YOU and for your lovely, encouraging posts.

  4. Sandi--thanks for letting me know you're still reading here!

    Debby-- thank-you much!

    Pam-- thank-you for sharing another story about your mom and family. It's amazing how many memories we have and how they can still guide us in good ways, right?

    Debi-- thanks for letting me know this post inspired you to more creativity! Have you looked into peel-and-stick wallpaper? It's supposed to be easy to remove. I just mentioned that because I love wallpaper so much. :) But of course, there are many ways we can decorated our homes so to love them better. May you find just the right ways that work for you!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  5. What a joy to visit you! This is either Ramblingon or Katie Isabela, my cat. Whichever I logged into.

  6. Hi Debra: Sorry I'm late in reading and commenting. If you read my post on my blog today, you'll understand why.
    I'm feeling ready for changes, but yet, I don't know what changes to make because of the world issues. We want to move but are thinking that we should possibly wait until we see what happens in the next few weeks. Unfortunately the economy does impact what decision we'll make.
    God's hand is in it all and we are trying to follow what we fee He is telling us to do.
    Take care my friend. I would sure love to see a photo of that lavender bathroom. :-)

  7. Debra, every so often I come back to your page and I'm always blessed and encouraged by your writing. You have such a gift. I haven't posted much on my blog lately but I posted two things this morning and that's how I ended up on your page.

    God bless you, my friend! Keep writing!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.