Wednesday, October 19, 2022

But What I Didn't Tell You Was ---

" ... and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power."   --- Colossians 2:10


The first day when the basement guys arrived? Tom closed the garage door and somehow stepped away with a hairline fracture in his big toe.

The next Monday, he attended a celebration at his work's offices and--when they snapped group photos out on the lawn--Tom, this time, sprained his ankle. Same foot.

He arrived home, told me of this, and our earlier 2022 questions, "Will we ever be able to go on vacation again? Would it be worth the risks?" seemed to be answered

Even though Tom faithfully lifts weights and uses the treadmill at home, we are probably done with vacations.

Oh, and also I forgot to mention over 15 years the fatty cyst on top of my head has grown and while daily praying it'll decrease, now I'm buying headbands and berets to cover it (big sigh). 

Acceptance. Oh dear.

Some folks refuse it, for they consider it admitting defeat. Yet I prefer to view acceptance as a challenge. "Okay, so I can no longer _______. What can I do instead? What new activities can I discover? What am I still able to fix or recreate or imagine?"

Probably, at first, most of us feel pensive (as I have lately) when we lose something and are deciding how to make a replacement or whether to just sit around, mope, counting our losses, instead.

Go skipping acceptance, aim at retrieving what you lost, and oh dear. It's a bit like knocking one's head against a wall. Repeatedly.

Much of 2022 I've felt the challenge of acceptance, like, for various reasons, this may be our final house (financially we're farther ahead remaining here and we're feeling much too decrepit to pack). But my decorating choices here are now so limited (I'm all about decorating!). And to give myself a break, my gardening life is reduced. 

Oh, and I don't like driving the way I used to, not even to the library so yeah, Honey, I'm home a lot. And that's where I've chosen to overcome my challenges. At home. 

It's here where I battle against lethargy and defeat so I can, instead, create a life from which I don't even need a vacation. A life as creatively satisfying as any adventure elsewhere, even if it includes watching tons of other folks' travels on Youtube.

And frankly, I'm making a life with Jesus at the center, He who meets every single need as only He can. 

I mean, hey. I could travel to incredible exotic places or live inside my Victorian dream house or have 10 grandchildren and all the energy of a gymnast, but you know? Still only Jesus can fill that space inside my heart designed just for Him.

A.W. Tozer said something like, "We limit ourselves when we believe 'I'll be ok as long as I have Jesus and'-- " It's that 'and' we should place upon our palm sometimes, peer at it from all angles and then ask ourselves, "But what if I lose this? Would I be ok with only Jesus?"

For it's when we truly know only Jesus satisfies us that we experience the freedom He meant for us all along.

If anyone knows that exact A.W. Tozer quote, I'd be grateful if you sent it to me. I found it years ago, but didn't write it down and have searched many times since. (Note to self: write stuff down!)  シ

Make all the travel memories you can while you still can. They will prove purposeful later.

Oh, and please don't suggest a wheelchair for traveling for Tom. He's accepted much about where he is, but he's not ready to consider that. I don't blame him.
But I'll add what I told my friend, Susan, at Facebook:

"Yeah, I should probably go back and add on my post that Tom has asked for the occasional wheelchair at airports because it's quick and saves so many steps. He's also had us take those small motorized tram things with drivers. He's fine with those and using his canes and that rollator thing (walker with wheels) he uses here and at the office. It's just that he's not ready to have me roll him around everywhere and actually I'm wondering if I could take him around very far. heh."

And yes. We've not ruled out day trips. Those are more doable at this stage and thankfully, we live in an area where the places to visit are nearly endless.


And speaking of libraries and Youtube, here's one of the most incredible things I've ever seen in my life(!) It's a public library built in 1882 with all the original books still upon its shelves! Wow. Blew me away.

And oh, what Justin and Ally saw on their New England autumn trees expedition!

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Tom's injuries. It is hard sometimes to accept our limitations. Trying to get this move done quickly is not easy with my back. The older we get, the harder it is to get things done. I really want to be able to settle in and relax for the winter.
    I'm glad that you've realized that day trips are still possible and that you have such a beautiful area and you live in.
    Thanks for the post today my friend.

  2. Debra, I left a comment yesterday but I don't see it here on your blog.
    Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your posts. I need to drop by more often. God bless you!

  3. I feel for Tom, and for you, too, Debra. You, Tom and Naomi are on my prayer list, but I will pray specifically for these new concerns. I hope Tom is not in pain from the recent injuries. My hubby has a fatty cyst on his forehead that's been surgically removed twice, but we can see that it's starting to grow again. It's always something. It's interesting that you and Tom have discussed whether or not you'll be able to vacation in the future. My hubby and I have talked about it, too. My health concerns have made it difficult. Like you and Tom, we are very contented (most of the time) to be in our home. One thing for sure, I am grateful for the traveling we did when we were younger. Such good memories. Maybe I need to pray for more acceptance in my life. You've got me thinking, Debra!

    That old library you linked in was amazing. It's hard to believe that they're only missing a handful of original books. That tour guide knew her stuff, too.

    I haven't read that Tozer quote before, but it sure sounds like him. I'll let you know if I run across it.

  4. Thanks, Besty! I'm sure you're looking forward to getting settled in your new home. That's wonderful how quickly your other home sold! Amazing. Take it as easy as possible during this transition ok? Neither of us are quite the young, strong things we once were, right? :)

    Friends Peterborough--thanks so much for your sweet comment! I'm so sorry your other comment got eaten--Blogger seems to do that here too many times. sigh. But really, thanks so much for letting me know you're reading here and God bless you much!

    Pam--thanks so much for praying for us! And oh dear, how much worse it would be to have a fatty cyst on one's forehead. Bless your husband for his patience! And thanks for looking for that AW Tozer quote for me!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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