Saturday, September 03, 2022

Where She Lives In Buffalo But Can No Longer Eat Wings And ---

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."   --- James 1:17


As I wish Tom every Saturday morning, "Happy Saturdate to you!"

If you've read here long, you know that at noon on Saturdays we, online, order to have lunch delivered. We close the curtains and pretend there's no big bad world out there. Lunch arrives and we watch a Blue Bloods rerun then a couple movies, ending with an episode of Hawaii 5-0.

We chat, remark how so-and-so on the screen is aging well--or not (bad, bad us). Or when the movie folks act foolish we squeal, "Wait for back-up!" or "Honey, you're in a dark alley alone. You deserve what you get." heh.

Yet regarding lunch, oh, how I used to love ordering Buffalo wings (or fingers), first with medium sauce, then I had to switch to mild.

But this year? My 63-year-old body revolted. No longer can I handle either sauce nor can I eat onions on hamburgers (or anything else) nor can I drink half of the berry kombucha we used to share.

All in one year this happened and trust me, for awhile 'I was shook' (as the kids say).

No more Buffalo wings, except maybe the not-as-great garlic kind? Oh my. That threw me. As I mentioned, we live in Buffalo, for goodness sake!

But a month after The Great Body Rebellion of 2022, Tom sat at his recliner, gazing at the Chili's menu online and he said, "They have honey chipotle chicken strips--do you want to try those? They even come with corn on the cob and coleslaw."

Still a bit nervous at the mention of restaurant chicken, I replied, "Hmm. I guess I'll try it. Go ahead and order."

(Picture mine with coleslaw, not beans.)

Oh my goodness. Let me count the ways I love that Chili's Honey Chipotle chicken meal. Ok, I'll just say, my body tolerates them well and whenever it's my turn to order on Saturdays, I choose Chili's. That chicken meal for me. Every. Single. Time.

(And please: no lectures on how it's probably horribly unhealthy. heh.)

Today's lesson? This, which I believe with all my heart, factoring-in God's wisdom--

Often we must give up certain things for varied reasons, sometimes simply due to godly conviction:

Some foods
Some friends
Some dreams
Some travels
Some music
Some movies
Some tv networks/series
Some social media
And  some _______ (fill in the blank.)

But what I've discovered? When we're faithful to release what God asks (or what we must health-wise), if we truly rely upon Him, giving Him time, He will provide something even more wonderful, yes, even in this wild, nothing's-fair 2022.

Or, He'll send us something super-extremely close, that is, if we remain open rather than shutting ourselves away in a dark misery.

And on this Saturdate day, I hope you've found that to be true, also.

Did you notice my mention of giving God time? I try hard not to be one of those big complainers, people who often quip, "I tried that for 2 whole weeks, then I gave up." Oh my. Those people make me loopy, especially when they are me.  ツ

Oh and Blue Bloods? That's one show where I can say, truly, I feel sorry for folks who don't watch it. 
Weekly it's about family. Loyalty. Doing the right thing when it's hard. Excellence of character. Unconditional love. Common sense. Courage and much, much more.
It has remarkable 'rewatchability' and we watch via Hulu. (We always start our rewatching with season 2. In season 1 they were still 'finding themselves' shall we say.)  シ

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."   --- 2 Corinthians 9:8


Oh wow! Ariel Bissett did it again. She transformed another part of her house, this time a small hallway, using wallpaper. Check it out here! (Currently I'm decorating vicariously through Ariel.)

Do you ever watch History Hunters at Youtube? Very informative and I like this guy's calmness, his sense of humor and all I learn from his research.


Movies we've enjoyed lately?

Top Gun Maverick
The Greatest Inheritance
The Oyler House (documentary)
Red Dog
Waffle Street
Megan Leavy
WarGames (yes, the old one)
The Aeronauts (2nd or 3rd time)
One Fine Day (again, old)
My Spy

And we recently discovered 2 tv series we enjoy--

Perception (tho' we did skip 2 first season episodes due to themes)
Almost Paradise

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I've also had to give up some favorite foods but have found new ones that have replaced them very well.
    We have been so busy all week working on Mom's house. Not getting much help from family except Mandy, but that doesn't surprise me.
    One thing it has convinced us of is that we're moving to a SMALLER, much smaller place and purging most of our possessions.
    I hope you have a lovely Saturday and Saturdate!

  2. First off, this post has some of my favorite Bible verses of all time! Life-giving promises.

    Oh my, when I was younger, I could eat anything and everything. And I did! Not so much any more. It's amazing how tummy troubles quickly motivate a person to find foods that you can handle. Debra, I'm glad you and Tom discovered that great looking meal from Chili's. It's not buffalo wings, but a really good substitute.

    That Ariel isn't afraid to tackle anything! The salmon paint with her wallpaper--beautiful! I haven't tried self-stick wallpaper, but it has to be tons better than the old fashioned stuff.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Betsy--oh my! I totally understand about wanting to declutter and move into a smaller house. That's just how we felt when we moved from the farm. Now all it takes for me to stop dreaming about moving into a different place is just one day of doing a bit of extra work. :) May you find exactly the right solution!

    Pam--I'm glad you've also found food alternatives. And yes! That Ariel certainly is making some bold moves in her new house--and it's all turning out perfectly! (There's a lesson in there somewhere.) :)

    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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