Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Following Grace. Yes, Another Post, But With New Stories.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal."   --- Matthew 6:19


No moments of procrastination ever felt nearly as marvelous as taking an active step.


For 11 years Tom's and my basement was Our Bad Secret. By comparison, some folks from Hoarders looked like neat freaks.

Oh, over the years, Naomi and I did what we could. Yet no matter how many bags we carted away or how many boxes we rearranged or relabeled, still, yeah. Bad Secret status down there.

But next Monday a waterproofing crew will arrive (all I understand about that procedure is I'll be writing a gigantic check) and Tom asked if they would also haul away junk. 

"Sure! For a price, Buddy.

Yet all these Bad Secret years later we're oh-so-willing to pay it and call our Estate Sale Season done for good and forever. No more tempations from yard sales, either.

While we wait, we wade through those 11-year-old boxes, lifting stuff other people could probably (not?) use. Then ol' Debra bags it and lugs it down to the Salvation Army drop-off (she needs the exercise).

At 4:30 this morning, Tom was basement bound, again, being as ruthless as possible. (Some of this clearing is so the waterproofing guys won't mutter, "Lazy, hoarding bums.") Back up here I asked, "Have you learned your lesson yet?" to which he replied, chuckling, "Oh yes. Definitely yes. Never again."

And although our minds wander too often to that crowded, mildew-ish (even with a dehumidifier) basement--other than that--much grace is upon us. Finally we're getting this sorted, released, cleared and done and wonder of wonders--in peace!

See, years ago we'd have worked on that basement simultaneously rather than apart, each complaining about the other's hoarding tendencies, each growing more heated until yelling may or may not have occured.  ツ

But go being married 4 decades and--hopefully--you're wiser and can give your partner lots of space and time because you, also, are learning lessons monthly. Again, hopefully.

And oh! That estate sale season. Those 25+ years felt like real-live time travel episodes and provided memories, instances of imagination and blog fodder, as well.

Yet even the Bible states no season lasts forever so yeah, probably it's best we avoid estate sales altogether. That long season of grace was remarkable, but while aging I'm noticing it's best to veer far from anything which might bring discontentment.

My house in Heaven? Already I'm certain of this: it's gonna be one 'blast from the past', indeed, and yet I can wait till God's correct 'season' for that. 

Come visit me there someday and I'll show you around.

Have trouble releasing things from your past seasons? This always helps me:

"But Lot’s wife looked back as she was following behind him, and she turned into a pillar of salt."   Genesis 19:26

"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."   --- Hebrews 4:16


Speaking of estate sale houses... I do have grace to view these haven't been-changed-in-decades houses locally at Realtor.com. This one reminded me of many of those estate sale houses I dreamed my way through--


Tom and I watched a good movie this weekend, A Dog Year. 

We watched via Prime. Just a small amount of language, but an animal does pass away, though not the star (dog) of the movie, which ok, is probably a spoiler, but personally? I prefer knowing ahead with these animal movies whether the dog is gonna die--or not.  ツ

Oh, and this! The 50th year celebration of the tv show, Emergency!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 

 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. It will be wonderful to have your basement waterproofed! I'm happy for you and Tom. I'm proud of you for trekking down to the Salvation Army. It really is hard work to go through things, pack them back up, then take them to the drop-off. It wore me out! But it feels so good to know we've recently gone through things and pared down.

    I'm wondering if that house might be from the late 60s or early 70s? We owned several homes from that era. In fact, the house we're in now was built in 1969 and we have the same front door (three little stairstep windows and all).

    I sure hope you and Tom treat yourself to some good take-out and rest up when you get the basement the way you want it.

  2. Oh, that house! The lime green bedroom would definitely keep me awake and the yellow bathroom! Oh my! But I do love the space and the older furnishings. To me, most of the new houses all look alike.
    I'm trying to have grace about where we live too. With Mom now in an independent living apt. we've beeen thinking of moving ourselves, to an apartment or condo so yard work and snow removal would not be our responsibility any longer. But, the prices! They are absolutely ridiculous for a tiny apartment. It costs us less than half to live in our house, and that's a one bedroom apt! We've decided to stay put for now and ride out the winter here, whatever that brings us.
    The neighborhood is so/so, although our immediate neighbors are wonderful.
    Congratulations on the basement. It's not easy to part with years of treasures is it? But the peace it gives when you're done with it is worth it.
    Blessings and love,


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