Thursday, August 11, 2022

Got Your House In Order?

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."   --- Jeremiah 29:13


So. Tom and I are not moving to South Dakota. Or Florida. Or even to some cute, cheap little house down the street.

God pretty much keeps repeating, "I'm doing you a favor by holding you in this paid-for Hobbit Cottage." And yes, through this new calm, I can see all the stress and bills and complication He's saving us from.

Probably He's extending our lives by a few years. Hey, who knows? ツ

Finally I'm, as they say, facing facts. I may not love them, but I'm accepting them and with acceptance comes peace. Well, only when you're accepting God's will (as opposed to accepting being a too-early quitter. Don't do that.).

Sometimes we must let dreams die. That is, if we wish to live our precious days with God and Grace and Joy instead of angst and disappointment and the blues.

Now, I'm a girl lady who's learned to thrive on challenges and I thought I needed new ones in a different house. But I'd forgotten one important thing: I'm no longer the young, work-for-hours decorator lady I once was. 

Big decorating projects are, well, in my past.

No, smaller challenges are a better fit for me now at 63 and Hobbit Cottage? She has tiny challenges galore, enough to keep my imagination rolling for years, that is, if I stop considering spinning it around a different home.

Like, a whole set of challenges revolves around 'getting my house in order' (as they say), something I've concentrated on (or tried to) since that what-the-heck? year of 2020.

Frankly, I'm in agreement with many folks crying out, "Huge changes are coming! Huge changes are coming!" and now they're nearer than ever.

Many of those changes, I'm thinking, will be good!
Some, not so great.
But nearly all will be, well, shocking for, I believe, God has some huge points to get across to us all. 
And the exposure of sin! Oh, the exposure winging its way to us. 
Oh, what's already begun.

So until they arrive I'll continue to: 

stock up on groceries, water, emergency items
stick to my vitamin regimen
collect inflation-proof recipes
inventory my linens and clothing
gather savings in easy-to-access places
become acquainted with more neighbors
form an exercise plan
collect alternative means of light and heat
brush-up on gardening (and other) skills
keep helpful books and lists in paper form, not just online
seek to make wise financial decisions
keep caught up on all correspondence with loved ones ...

... and most of all? Grow closer to Jesus every single day. This is the secret of a fulfilling life. In His presence is fullness of joy, peace, wisdom and a calm that will carry me through absolutely anything, come what may.

Adventure! What an adventure since 2020, trying to view this world through Jesus' eyes and do what He instructs--with boldness. Courage.

I'd not have missed it for anything, even while just living in this same ol' house now for 11 years.  シ

Wherever I may be, I can still create lovely rooms inside my head. May I always keep adding to my imagination!


As always, color me grateful for Youtube. How wonderful to watch others creating such lovely rooms these days.

In fact ...

Ariel Bissett is back at creating! She built a pretty reading nook in her cute house. Check it out here.


Oh! And have you found these music videos yet? Lovely things for a hot summer evening. Check them all out here.


"Becoming the woman God designed you to be will cost you friends, relationships, plans and material things. Become her anyway." ---Lisa Lim @allbygrace_

And with all my heart I believe this to be true:

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. "...and make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands..." ...1 Thessalonians 4:11 💙

    Have you ever played Nintendo's Animal Crossing? You decorate houses gallore, and scenery. It is a delightful game. 😃

  2. This world is changing at such a rapid rate, but these things must happen before the Lord returns. He has a plan and His timing is perfect . . . keeping my eyes and heart on Him and running my race as best I can. That's what we all need to do, for what we can't do He will be there seeing us through, never forsaking His own. God bless you and remember the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains, so whatever mountains come our way with God we can get through them. His love is sufficient.

  3. We're not moving either. Oh, we like to dream. Many of my friends have moved out of California - and think we are stupid to stay. I'm not leaving my family. I live near my sons - why would I go to another state and not know a single soul at my age? I'm content. We're fine here.

    Plus the cost - is it a good money move? The house has gone up and is probably at its peak - and people are buying but I dislike moving.

    I've always been just a home DIYer decorator. And even just that, I don't do big projects quite as much as I used to.

    Have a nice day - nice to meet you and God Bless

  4. I'm behind in reading this, but it surely does speak to my heart! How blessed are we who know that whenever, wherever we seek the Father, He will make Himself known to us. Most of us need reassurance at some time in our lives (for me, it has been many, many times). And He has always kept His promise.

    As a 68 year old woman who just went through moving, I truly believe if God does not say "Go" we best keep ourselves planted where He has us. I, too, believe many changes are probable and being in a familiar, prepared home might be priceless.

    Love Ariel's reading nook. Now I want one...

  5. I'm gonna try to comment, but I'll apologize in advance for possible duplicates. I tried to comment earlier, but it didn't go through.

    Debra, when I read that you and Tom are staying in your home, I have to admit, I breathed a sigh of relief on your behalf. Although I try to stay positive, moving can be so difficult. When we moved 8 months ago, my husband and I couldn't believe how much harder it was on us than all the times we had moved before. I still believe if the Lord wants to move you, He will do it. He will make it clear to you and he will make a way. I think our world will be facing continuous challenges and being in a familiar, well stocked home, in a location you are familiar with, might be priceless. I also appreciate your ongoing commitment to be as well prepared for the future, as possible. Wise.

    I enjoyed seeing Ariel's reading nook. Now I want one!!!

  6. Sandi--I'll definitely look that up--thanks! Sounds very interesting to me.

    Connie--hi! Nice to hear from you. Sounds like we're on the same page about much!

    Oh my, Debby! We sound like twins. Thanks for commenting and reflecting a ton of what I also feel!

    Hi Pam! Thanks so much, also, for providing much confirmation! I appreciate it. I won't say we'll never move, but for now? Nah. Not meant to happen. Glad you checked out Ariel's video! I know you've liked her others as I have. I also somehow skipped one which inspired my socks off! I want to try the same thing, a diorama, but upon a bookcase, instead. Stay tuned!

    Thanks so much, Everyone, for taking the time to read and comment! It means more to me than you realize. Blessings, Debra

  7. I agree with you, the battle is on, and I know I am on the side of right. The Bible is our guide in this. I am thinking of buying a small solar cooker that heats water to boiling in 45 minutes, have you used one of those? It sounds useful for camping and emergency no power situations.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.