Saturday, August 20, 2022

August This And That

Never stop creating, no matter what!


1.) Oh! Some of my most sentimental, genealogical-search-loving friends will enjoy this:

... and I dare you not to get emotional when she's staring at the porch chairs, picturing her loved ones who once sat there.  シ

2.) Seriously, I love the homemade chili seasoning mix I recently discovered. I use it on nearly everything, including crockpot chicken which finally comes out the way I like.
I shared this before, but here you go again:

5 tbl. chili powder
2 tbl. garlic
2 tbl. paprika
1 1/2 tbl. onion powder
1 tbl. oregano (but I use Italian seasoning)
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper

Speaking of cayenne, last week I ordered some cheaply from Target. The Zatarains brand. Three large 7.5 oz. bottles should last awhile. heh.

3.) Do you remember Bill Cullen, the  tv game show host? This week I learned that, as a child, he had polio and throughout his life he had physical and neurological difficulties, but he 
kept moving forward. 
Check out the short video about him here.

4.) My simple definition of success? 

Faithfully doing whatever God asks of you.

5.) Probably Mitzi Reads and Writes is my favorite booktuber. We have reading tastes in common, plus, she's adorable! 
Today Mitzi began a More Montgomery Book Reading Challenge so if you're a fan of LM Montgomery's books you might enjoy playing along. Check it out here!

6.) Speaking of books, so does anyone else go bonkers when you can't find the book you wish to read upon your shelves? So lately I've super organized my books, all alphabetically by author, with these labels upon the shelves:

Adult Fiction and Non Fiction
Kids' Lit. General
Kids' Lit. Mysteries
Teen Lit.

A dream come true, this library of mine 35 years in the making. Color me ultra grateful.

7.) And speaking of that, here's something I shared at Facebook:

When I reach Heaven, 
I don't want to regret expressing so little gratitude here. 
So now? 
My goal is to say more thank-you's.

8.) Always!

9.) You remember that Youtube has some free audio books, right?

10.) And let's end this with another creative, inspiring video by Ariel Bissett. She built a lovely diorama for her wall! 

And although not that brave, I am now considering creating a diorama to place upon a bookshelf.

Stay tuned to see if Debra actually follows through on that project! ツ

Feeling sentimental lately with a yearning for the old days? This music from vintage years Kmart might help. Pretty much I guarantee this will whisk you back in Time. Quickly... woosh!

One last thing--

Remember to never let go of your joy, even if someone else currently is playing tug of war with you over it!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. It was touching to watch the woman reminiscing about her grandparents old farmhouse. I got teary on the porch, right along with her. There's a home a few miles from where we live, and it could almost be a twin to that home. In the past few years, it changed hands and was gutted. Kind of sad, but I understand that everyone looks at old homes differently.

    Bill Cullen. Yep, I remember Bill. He seemed so upbeat on his tv shows. I had no idea that he had faced so many physical challenges. He didn't let those issues stop him, that's for sure!

    That Ariel...what can't she do??? Is that diorama adorable or what??

    Thanks for the recipe Debra. I'm gonna give your recipe to my daughter. I love chili, but it doesn't love me back, lol.

  2. I have a recipe for fajita seasoning that I love to use. It tastes just like the fajita's at our favorite mexican restaurant in Spokane.
    I remember Bill Cullen. I had no idea that he had polio. I had a good friend years ago that also had it as a young child. She always had difficulty walking and had to use half crutches.
    Hope you're having a wonderful, joy-filled weekend Debra.

  3. Thank-you so much, Pam and Betsy! As always we all sound like we're on the same page. I really appreciate your letting me know you still read here and appreciate what I post and I do thank you for adding delightful things to my posts via the comment box! Blessings, Debra


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