Thursday, June 23, 2022

Money? She's Gonna Talk About Money?!

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."   --- 2 Corinthians 9:7


A controversial post, but I'm passionate about this and it's my blog, so ...  ツ

I attended 3 high schools (long story, but no expulsions were involved. heh.) and the Spanish teacher in the final one? Via a hometown Facebook group, last weekend I learned he and his wife lost their home to a fire.

They'd traveled to Oregon with their dogs to a dog show so no one was harmed, but still. How devastating to lose one's house, especially while in your 80's!

A friend of theirs started a GoFundMe page and immediately I gave an amount I believe God asked me to. Call me whatever you wish, but for years I've felt grateful for pages such as GoFundMe. 

Decades past, giving in such situations was complicated. You could leave donations at the local bank (but from 3,000 miles away?) or the bank's address was given. Or only a phone number was listed (I'm not a phone person) if you wished to contribute that way.

Often all that complication made it simple to quip the excuse, "I'd love to give, but I couldn't figure out how," and then go about one's merry, kinda-justified life.

Yet now? Color me utterly thankful that places like GoFundMe exist. They make giving simple and I've had only wonderful experiences. (And please, please don't get all, "But they charge an extra fee and I heard they ... blah, blah, blah.) 

Hey, if you don't trust certain groups, search until you find one that you do. 

Anyway. For years too often Facebook friends have posted meme's like this one--

And frankly? They make my heart hurt. 

How's that supposed to help someone whose house burned down? Or widows who can't pay for their husband's funeral? Or parents whose baby needs unexpected surgery? Or ?

The answer: it doesn't help. It only harms the already distraught feelings of those who suddenly experienced a catastrophe.

People, it is a privilege to give money to those in need! An honor. A pleasure. A God-designed opportunity to visibly spread His help on Earth.

And yes, there are other ways to help those in need! I get it. But too often I've observed folks jumping off there: they can't give money, but they can pray. Or send food. Or clean, cook, drive, phone, etc., etc.

All good, yes!

But in many cases, after a disaster, folks need money. And gift cards. They really do. And may we at least consider yanking ourselves from the I-don't-have-money-but-I-can-do-etc., auto-pilot switch (if it's ours) if we've raced to flip it decade after decade. 

What if we changed our response to be more like this?

"Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”  ---Luke 6:38

Who knows? Maybe all sorts of areas in our life would change.

Think I'm clueless? Don't know what it's like? Think again. 

God's worked on my mind for decades, prying the dollars, at first, from my scared little fingers until now I actively search for ways to give. And now? Always there's enough both to give and to save.

Freely, freely you have received.
Freely, freely give.

Go sowing all sorts of help and watch out! All sorts of help will find its way to you. After all, God promised.

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."   --- Proverbs 19:17

There is no growth without change. ---copied


Okay, only some of you will appreciate this vintage 1960 mobile home video

Such a time capsule! I love the floor, especially, and the kitchen and I can just picture a young woman in a dress and hostess apron along with her husband entertaining her guests with hors d'oeuvres.

Not crazy about the bathroom sink and counter, but hey.... Otherwise, if I lived there? Everyday I'd feel like I was playing homemaking games and never working. 

(Oh, and give the guy a few extra seconds to adjust the light on his camera.)  シ


Nine Sneaky Home Hacks. (She has the best ideas!)

And oh! I watched this gal prepare no-cook, summertime meals and became exremely hungry. 

What I'm hoping is that, when I get to Heaven, Jesus won't say, "Uhm, Debra? Over your lifetime I sent you $10,000 so to help others, but you only used $2,575. Why was that?"



Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. "vintage 1960 mobile home"

    What a sweet home!

  2. I like your new header photo and I really enjoyed the mobile home tour. I watched a few more of his videos too. We could live there. We've often said that we were happiest last year when we lived in our camper for 10 months. As you know, we had planned to travel beginning this year, but it wasn't meant to be with Mom's getting so much worse. We loved the small space and living so much more simply.
    I agree with your giving ideas & scriptures wholeheartedly. We are a family who has been burned twice by Go Fund Me, so we do use other methods and it works quite well. It's fun playing "detective" and finding out about people and how you can help them. There is a person who regularly tells me she gets cash and doesn't know who it's from. It's the only way she can heat her small house. I giggle inside. God doesn't care how MUCH you give. He cares about your heart and what is inside it. We have great fun being sneaky!
    Have a lovely afternoon my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Sometimes I wonder what this world would be like if believers followed God's instructions about giving. Many years ago, I went through a time of need and God funneled money, groceries, and everything I needed through known and unknown friends. It is humbling, but when you experience God's bounty and His grace, it makes you want to give as He directs.

    I loved the mobile home tour! Sure takes us back. I lived in a 1968 (I think) Schultz in the early 70s, and absolutely loved it.


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