Thursday, May 19, 2022

Fixing Things

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."   ---Colossians 3:23


So the kitchen sink was (still is) draining so slowly that I shouldn't run the dishwasher and that large bald patch of lawn (over the repaired pipes) out front did not like the seed I planted, my rhododendron bush died and there's more, but it's complicated. 

Gee, I complained a lot last week. "I'm too old for all this," I said too many times.

Life felt grey inside my head, like I'd opened a door to 'everything 'round here in 2022 is breaking' and couldn't shut it. I hate that feeling. Then eventually the Holy Spirit asked, "Had enough?" to which I replied, "Yes! I can barely stand to be in the same room with myself."  ツ

So He pulled me off the red couch (where I'd melted like a slug) then--

asked me to write a long gratitude list
and had me dust off my Weekly To Do List (long forgotten thing).

My oh my, things improved immediately. How life-altering is proactivity! I began fixing things (or trying) and rewarding myself with extra reading time and snacks (hey. One must do what she must do). And again I can say it's a wonderful life.

No surprise all the forces which come against us regarding
proactivity. Apathy will ruin what was meant to be a marvelous, creative life.

Life feels sweet and to be treasured again even if some things 'round here still are messed up.

Note to self: apathy is not from God, but these are-- 


--and an overcoming spirit. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (or find help for the areas where we're weak). With Jesus living inside us gone are the excuses for living all defeated like those who've not yet met Him. 

(When we've truly come to know/experience how incredibly much God loves us, this becomes far easier.)

“He who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a great destroyer.” (Yikes!!!) ---Proverbs 18:9

"I would challenge everyone to ask for abundant grace every morning and see if it does not change the way you walk through Life. It will bring victory!"
---Kat Kerr


Along these lines, here's an inspiring video, below. 

(You can do a fast-forward viewing like I did, but be sure to check out the final two minutes. Wow! The kind of tough, no nonsense talk we don't hear enough of these days.)  --  

The student got the worst placement in the dorm, but she turned it into a dream room!


                         (Had to laugh at the perfect timing of this one!)

It's important to know what can be fixed and what cannot--and then work through the necessary acceptances and adjustments inside our mind.

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Well, you made me laugh several times with this post Debra. My goodness. It could be me right now. I came home from London last Tuesday with laringytis and a cough. No, it's not the dreaded C-19. I was tested before leaving the UK and three times since getting home because I definitely don't want to give anything serious to my MIL. I have had No, zero, zilch energy or gumption and I've done basically nothing. I do through in a load of laundry and then Dennis puts it in the dryer and folds it. He's been cooking too because he doesn't want me around his food. :-) I do the dishes because, hey, they're already dirty so a few germs won't matter. The dishwasher will take care of them.
    I still sound like a frog with a bad smokers cough, but I have a bit more energy so tomorrow I'll try to push the vacuum around. :-)
    Not trying to make a joke out of what you're talking about. I know I had a reason to sit around more than usual, but I don't want to take advantage of my hubbys wonderful disposition. I need to get busy and work as unto the Lord!
    Lots of love and blessings my friend,

  2. Oh Debra, I sure identify with the line that said you could hardly stand to be in the same room with yourself! Thank God that He never stops loving us (sometimes I wonder how He does it!!!). Life can become pretty rough and you're facing some challenges. Most of us find ourselves on the couch more often than we'd like to admit, but sometimes it's part of God's plan. Thanks for being vulnerable, Debra. I always appreciate hearing what the Lord is doing in your life.

    Loved the story of the young woman who transformed that little dorm room. Inspiring!

  3. Debra, I hope you are doing well. Every so often I go on your blog and I always enjoy your posts.

    God bless you and Tom!

    David Fisher

  4. Hey Betsy! I hope this finds you feeling much, much better by now. How was your London trip? Thanks for taking the time to comment here!

    Pam--As always, I appreciate your encouragement. Thank-you! I'm enjoying returning to proactivity and my weekly to do list. Getting things done without what seems like tons of effort--gotta love that!

    Hi David! Thanks so much for letting me know you stop by sometimes. You're one of my very earliest readers from the old days! :) God bless you and your family as well!

    Thank-you, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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