Saturday, April 30, 2022

Debra In Her Later Years Is Thinking --


"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." ---Romans 12:11


Remember how the Apostle Paul said: 

I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I've preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."?

Well, I'm not quite there yet.  ツ

But I'll tell ya. Being 63, many days I fight this battle:

I mean, I've cooked meals for 43 years! Four decades I've 
cleaned house, done yard work, gardening, laundry. Bought groceries, run errands, redecorated and shoved heavy furniture around. 

I've paid my dues, done my time. Don't I deserve a break?

Yes! And, well, no. 

In 2019 we had those 100 feet of privet hedges yanked and hauled away which still thrills me! Same with how we hired a lawn care company in 2021. (They returned this week and I almost raced outside to cheer. Almost.) Oh, and I discovered an easier way to do laundry in our basement and always I'm trying new ways to make meal times simpler.

Using a pine pellet cat litter, I change Daniel's litter boxes less. I no longer rearrange furniture. I work on my flower beds s-l-o-w-l-y, Naomi wheels the trash bins to the curb for me, Tom's much better at placing his dishes in the dishwasher (and feeding Daniel over weekends) and no longer do either of us eat dinner, only a healthy-ish snack.

And as I've mentioned here 50 times, I've decluttered over 1000 items and weekly I order groceries online.

Changes! I've made changes in my 60's and they've simplifed my life. Made it more streamlined, doable.

But still, I must remind myself of this: the goal is NOT to-- 

do away with all work

become lazy

hide from people, Life

no longer take risks

care only about me, me, me

dream constantly of vacations

yearn for retirement

twiddle my thumbs till Heaven.

Nope, I've preached much in this blog (let's face it) and like Paul, I'd hate to, in my 60's, 'be disqualified for the prize'. (Yikes.)

So balance! I'm seeking new balance. Fresh wisdom. Working smarter, not harder, using excellence(not mediocrity) and discovering, welcoming, new plans God has for me these later years--

--plans I can do, otherwise He'd not even ask me.

Newness of Life in one's 60's? Yes, with God all things are possible, even that. Even now in 2022, even in a world gone wild.

               (This is not me, but rather, a nice lady I found online in her garden.)

 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."   ---Psalm 73:26

"It's important to finish our journey well."   ---copied


Have you ever made a list of your Top 10 Favorite Songs of All Time? I created mine over last weekend. With the exception of two songs, I've listened to these for decades, at least 50 times each, and still they send my head and heart to happy places.  ツ

(Please don't judge me. Heh.) ---

Ventura Highway  (America)

Annie's Song  (John Denver)

Once Upon a Time (Andy Williams)

Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Israel Kamakawiwo'ole)

Fields of Gold (Eva Cassidy)

No More Night  (Glen Campbell)

When I Need You (Leo Sayer)

Our House (Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young)

Moonlight Serenade  (Glenn Miller)

Oh! And one more--

Come Saturday Morning (The Sandpipers)

 (Painting by Anna Smorygina)

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be.


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. What a lovely photo of you in your garden.

    A lot of wisdom in your post - that only us 60 + understand. BTW I'm 68.

  2. Oh my goodness, Debra, I remember how hard you worked back on your farm and then when you moved to your present home. Digging dirt, planting, cleaning, sorting, cooking, and wallpapering (I'm not good at that!!), and so much more. Although I'm older than you by a few years, I sure do identify with what you're saying. We grow older and wiser (hopefully).

    I remember cheering as I read about you having your hedge removed and then you hired a lawn service. Yesterday, was another "first" for me. I struggle with working in the garden. Digging hurts my hip and bending to the ground messes with abdominal scar tissue. Yesterday, I planted several big pots of some pretty flowers with some spinach seed tucked in, too. We scaled back to one tomato plants and a few cucumbers that we planted by a fence. There won't be a garden plot at this retirement home. At first I was a little sad, but now I'm okay. We change. Hopefully we change for the better.

    I always appreciate your posts, Debra. They ring true.

  3. Aww Debby--thank-you! But that photo isn't one of me. It's just an image I found online. (But I will go back and add that fact to the photo so to clarify. Thanks again!) And thank-you for reading here regularly. I'm glad someone else understands where I was coming from in this post!

    Pam--thanks for cheering for me through the years! I appreciate your very faithful comments. And I totally know what you mean about being sad at first about there not being a garden plot at your new home. That little bit of sadness hits me often about some changes though yes, as you said, it fades away in time.

    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  4. You make me smile! Especially when you're right. 😊

  5. Hello Debra:
    My internet is hit and miss here in London so I hope this comment goes through as it seems to e working for me today. I remember the hedges going away and the mowing service. Oh, how I wish I could get Dennis to hire a lawn service for our yard and his Mom's. It's so hot and humid for him to be doing that now that we've moved.
    There are many things I can't do now, but Goe has provided other new things for me to do.
    Have a wonderful week in this crazy, strange world we find ourselves in.

  6. Rebecca--I appreciate that! Thanks for reading here, too.

    Betsy-- oh! Didn't know you were traveling again. Have a wonderful trip and hey! I'll pray with you that Dennis will hire a lawn service. It is sooo worth it, doesn't cost much (all things considered) and you can usually have them come only as often as you wish. Doesn't have to be every week.

    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.