Monday, April 04, 2022

Coffee Creamer Costs HOW Much? (And Other Stories.)

"Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future."   --- Proverbs 19:20

Buy less.
Eat less.
Waste less.
Desire less (stuff).
Worry less.


Where was I this past week?

Well you'll not believe this, but I haven't stepped into a supermarket in over 3 years(!) so for fun and old times' sake, I watched many we're-doomed-when-it-comes-to-grocery-prices-and-shortages videos.

This video, especially, was wild. Liquid coffee creamer is now $5.59 for 64 ounces? Six frozen muffins are $6? Reynolds aluminum foil is $11 for 200 sq. feet? Small cans of soup are $1.19 or $1.59 or more?

Now, these are Target's prices and you may believe they're always a tad higher. But for what I buy (via free delivery online)? Often they beat Walmart.

But this post isn't about certain stores. Rather, it's about playing the grocery game your way, not theirs.

See, being 60-something I've lived through a few inflationary seasons. All were temporary and the worst action is to panic and make permanent mistakes.

Any new season requires that we accept, adjust, adapt, so why not enjoy the challenges? Why not become our most clever best? 

I mean, hey. Our local Aldi sells 64 ounces of vanilla almond milk for $1.99 so why not use that as creamer, at least for this inflationary season, and save $3.60? I can always add a tad more imitation vanilla (which, incidentally, Target practically gives away, free. Ok, 69 cents.).

And yes, powdered creamer is still a cheaper alternative and I do use the occasional can of evaporated milk, but now its per-ounce price is nearly as high as the liquid creamer. sigh. 

And frozen breakfast muffins at $1 each? Okay, maybe when you're short on time for a special occasion. But no matter what the current price of flour, it's cheaper to bake muffins 'from scratch', especially if you have a small counter oven.

And aluminum foil? Actually Tom and I rarely even use that, especially after reading about its (ok, possible) effects on our brains, cuz Honey, we can't risk making those worse than they are already.  ツ

Trust me. Alternatives for foil do exist.

And canned soup? Ick. Now, I've a few on my shelves for emergencies, but years ago I learned to create delicious, hearty, so-cheap soup. For us, that canned stuff would be like a huge step backward.

Now, after cooking for 43 years, it's so not my favorite thing, but saving money still is, so okay, some sacrifice is involved. Yet as I've told you for 17 years, when you follow Grace, she'll make any task enjoyable.

No, really! But only if we involve her wisdom, her timing, her attitude. Otherwise, well, it's all pretty hit-and-miss.

And who wants a hit-and-miss type of life, especially these days? Hmmm?

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."   --- Ephesians 5:15-17

Now, saving money these days is good, of course, but remembering to do this is vital, as well! --

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”   --- Luke 6:38


Oh! And I forgot to add this fun, inspiring lady to my list of helpful folks at Youtube (scroll down).


Things I stopped buying ready-made years ago and now make from scratch---

seasoning packets
aerosol oil spray (I just spread a bit of oil, instead)
room/fabric refresher 
cocoa mix
canned soup
pasta salads
coffee creamer (well, I buy powdered, not liquid, and/or use milk)
chicken stock (I use cubes)
salad dressing (we mostly use oil and vinegar)
freezer meals
pancake syrup
pancake mix
household cleaners
chip or vegetable dip (make our own with sour cream)

(Here's a great article with more ideas.)


Oh! And totally non-related, but one of the best things about last week? I discovered that Ashley Hess has an album online. Some of you liked her American Idol audition when I shared it a couple years ago. What a lovely voice!


Don't let anything bring you down!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Great ideas for saving money on groceries. I'm very grateful to have an Aldi's close by again. They don't have everything, but what they do have is almost always less expensive. We didn't have an Aldi's in Spokane and I did miss them.
    Thanks for the information and other suggestions too. I'm SO grateful for my pantry right now. Some family and others laughed at me, but they aren't laughing now. When I went to Walmart last week there was one box of elbow macaroni and two 8 oz. pkgs. of spaghetti noodles. That's it for the pasta aisle!!! I have much more in my pantry!
    Take care my friend. We'll make it through to the other side eventually.

  2. Like Betsy, I want to thank you for your tips--these and all of the information you've shared,down through the years. Several months ago, I started picking up and extra 4-pack of canned chicken breast, every time we went to the store. Each can has around 14 oz and the 4-can pkg was $7 and change. After awhile, my hubby asked what was the deal with so much canned chicken. I just told him I sensed I was supposed to buy it. Well hello bird flu. I'm so grateful to have all this chicken. Fresh or frozen chicken would be my first choice, but canned will do well in soups, salads, and casseroles. I know food has gotten more expensive, but I'm thankful for what we have.

  3. Betsy--yes! Aldi, right? It's wild to me that ours is still cheaper than what our local supermarket was 4+ years ago. And I'm glad people aren't laughing at your prepping practices any longer. Live and learn, right?

    Pam--that's terrific about your canned chicken! It really does come in handy, right? I consider it one of the things which I've had to switch to to make my life easier these days.

    Thanks so much for your encouraging comments, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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