Friday, February 11, 2022

Shocking Things

"But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him."   ---1 John 2:27


One more season of gardening here, then I'm done. For 40 years God gave me energy, desire, to pull beauty from plain soil, yet now the grace is seeping away.

Tom's and my next house? A condo. Or townhouse. Or perhaps a mobile home. Just something small and with no yard--or--one not cared for by me.

My beyond-the-average decorating days are over. In our new place I'll just arrange furniture once, hang some pictures upon the walls then call it done. Forty-three years of energetic, creative-style decorating was, for me, plenty.

We're aiming at releasing two-thirds of our possessions. (Stay tuned to see how that goes.)  シ

After we move will I stare backward toward the Past? No. Fresh, new dreams/goals/ideas/ministries await me ahead.

Upon our announcement in 1993 of moving to New York, oh all the wrinkled noses we spied upon the faces of our relatives and Nevada friends! They intimated we'd hate life here. The reality? Every year felt enchanted, like we'd moved to a joyful, vintage-days planet.

(The only thing we knew about New York? God wanted us to move here. At Tom's announcement, I freaked out a bit, but God whispered, "No. Be calm. This is My plan." Knowing where God wanted us simplified everything and kept us from silly questions and doubts.)

I'll recall all that after I announce this: Tom and I are considering moving to .... drum roll .... South Dakota. (Around Rapid City.) 

Yes, the state which did not do lockdowns, but rather, freedom. A state whose winter weather (in the northwest corner) is (nearly) always milder than ours. A state with wide open spaces. A state with a governor who declares words like these:

"We respect life in South Dakota, and I look forward to the day when we protect all unborn lives. Our laws must reflect our values and our commitment to protect the unalienable rights of all of our citizens."

 " ... South Dakota is stronger than it has ever been in its 133-year history. This did not happen because of what government did. It happened because of what government did NOT do. To preserve what we have and grow even stronger, we need to remember why government exists in the first place – to protect the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

"Imagine teaching your child that our country was founded on racism, or that hard work is not a virtue, or that a young boy or girl should be ashamed of themselves because of their skin color. As a mom and as a grandma, I can’t even begin to imagine poisoning my child with those lies."

"Our nation was built on freedom, on the belief that our rights come from God, not from government. Any infringement on our rights risks breaking the constitutional republic that we hold so dear."

---All quotes by Governor Kristi Noem (who Tom and I have watched closely since 2020.)

So there you go--a shocker post on this Friday morning!  ツ

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come."   --- John 16:13

Remember: creativity comes in many unique forms!

“Grace is what picks me up and lifts my wings high above and I fly! Grace always conquers! Be graceful in everything; in anger, in sadness, in joy, in kindness, in unkindness, retain grace with you!”
― C. JoyBell C.

The timers I shared months ago from Youtube have, sadly, disappeared. But here are more. This is my favorite one (I usually advance it to 6 minutes and go from there).

Need some inspiration to clean your house? This might do it. (Worked for me, anyway. heh.)


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. South Dakota! I would not have guessed you were moving there, but now that you mention it, it makes perfect sense.

    "Obedience brought blessing."

    Obedience is victory and victory is life. Yeah, that's a quote from Star Trek. But it's true. 🖖

  2. I am so excited! Rapid City is the first place I asked Dennis to take me when we decided to get a new trailer. And we WILL go this summer. Before we moved to Washington, we went to SD every. single. year. on vacation. It's literally, my favorite place in the world with the Oregon coast running a close second.
    I do hate to burst your bubble about tornadoes my friend. Although not as frequent as around Sioux Falls, they are known to happen around Rapid City. In fact, I was staying in a hotel room by myself in Spearfish, SD, after driving my MIL home to Omaha. I was on my way back to Spokane when I stopped for the night in Spearfish, just west of RC. They came around and knocked on all of the doors and made everyone go to a tiny room in the middle of the hotel because of tornado warnings. I do know that they are rarer there than they are in Sioux Falls though. Just thought you should have the information, but you definitely shouldn't change your mind. :-) I;m sure I'll get to meet you if you live in/near RC, and I can't wait!
    If we could have gone there, we would have. We were half planning to until we knew we needed to be nearer to Mom.
    Take care and I'm so excited to follow your moving plans. And 2/3 of your things is so admirable. I thought I got rid of a lot but boy, we still have a LOT!
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Thanks-you, Sandi! We're really liking what we're seeing about South Dakota. Love the Star Trek quote, too! :)

    Hi again, Betsy! Oh yes, I've read and seen so much about South Dakota that I did come across that information about South Dakota and tornadoes. But you know? We've had lots of tornadoes here in New York, as well, even though I've not mentioned them here in my blog, so really, I'm fine with it. And too, what I believe and have experienced? As long as we move where God wants, all will be well. The main thing is just to go where He leads-- and then rest in Him there. We'd love to have you and Dennis visit us--that would be fun!

    Thanks for commenting, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  4. YES! We lived in South Dakota for three years, and absolutely loved it. Incredibly beautiful scenery, wonderful people, and a great political climate. I have a sister in Spearfish. We would move there again in a heartbeat if it wasn't so hard to find affordable housing for a family of nine. Maybe someday...

  5. Yea! South Dakota! That sounds exciting!!!! I've been following that Governor for awhile too!
    Sounds like a great choice!
    Bev Shegina

  6. I was so excited when you said you were moving to Rapid City, South Dakota!!! When I was a girl, my parents moved near Willmar, Minnesota. (not far from Rapid City). We would go there for mini vacations. Then my parents discovered Hart Ranch (near Rapid City), bought a membership, and spent many, many wonderful days there. We even had a few family get togethers on that ranch. My dad always said Rapid City was an ideal place to live because it was "the banana belt" (look that up if it's new to you ;) I'm guessing the cost of living will be quite a bit lower than what you're used to in NY, but the main thing is this--If God says go to Rapid City, we all know it's gonna be great. God will help you with every single thing. I'll keep on praying for Him to prepare you, Tom and Naomi for whatever He has in store for you. xoxo

  7. Leah--thanks so very much for sharing your good experience in South Dakota! I keep hearing good things and now you've made my list longer. Thank-you!

    Bev--thank-you! Sounds like both of us have been following Gov. Noem for some time. Doesn't it feel like she's a kindred spirit each time she speaks? She and also Gov. Desantis have been such blessings during these past two years, two bright lights, I believe, during the dark times.

    Pam--oh yes! I love that banana belt term. :) We've been watching Rapid City's weather for some time and it's always, so far, warmer than ours and far less snow. We don't mind snow which comes and goes--it's just this snow that never leaves that's finally gotten to us. :) And that's so true about what you said, how if God wants us there, it'll be great! Thanks!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  8. Hi Debra! Wow, South Dakota come as quite a surprise but I'm so happy for you as I can tell that you're excited about it. Though I've been quiet for awhile and am behind in reading your blog posts, I still am here and am working on catching up on things here and in reading your posts as well. It may take awhile but I let no post go unread! Have an awesome day. 🌹🌹🌹


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