Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Moving To Florida? What?!

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.” ― Julian of Norwich


This morning my hand reached to pull the curtain open at our picture window, but paused mid-air. "No. Not yet," I sighed. "My eyes can't bear to view that treacherous, white, freezer world." 

So I plopped back down on the red couch and watched, instead, a sunny summer afternoon on Route 66 via Youtube.

(If you don't like what's outside your window, find another window, I say.)

Folks, Tom and I are moving to Florida. Next year. After Tom retires. No, really! Our winter grace is seeping away and God's giving us new dreams, warmer ones.

Forty-four icy, perilous, snowy winters together and we've had enough. Paid our dues, done our time. Well, we've got 1 1/2 winters left so Honey, already I'm praying Grace will keep me non-complainy and sweet till we drive down Florida way in 2023.

Now, for my worry-leaning readers, yes, we know Florida has hurricanes. So we're thinking north Florida. Far from the ocean, not near the Gulf. Inland. Not all that far from the center of Georgia's dotted line. 

But you know what worries me more than hurricanes? Ol' Tom and Debra ignoring godly conviction.  Remaining here bored, chicken, after God stated, "Go." And letting fear lead rather than an adventurous spirit.

We loved our tiny California mountain town.
Nevada was quite the adventure.
New York has remained downright enchanted for nearly 30 years.

But always there's come a day to leave. Seasons change, bodies age, so a time arrives to travel to that exact spot where God will pull over, pick you up, then whisk you away home. On just the right day.

And it's in that direction we're headed.

"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”   John 8:12  (There comes a time to ask ourselves, "Are verses like these a part of my daily life or just words written upon wispy Bible pages?".)

There is a divine joy in obedience.

And from someone in her 60's: Do all that you can while you still can.

(And yes, Naomi is planning to move when we do, perhaps sooner, most likely to Florida, but if not, then a bit more north where she lived for a couple years earlier. 
Stay tuned. We're only in the earliest of planning stages right now and certainly do not have all the answers.)  シ

Another big reason for moving to Florida? The freedom there and a governor who sounds like a kindred spirit every time we hear him speak.


Last night Tom and I watched the sweetest movie: Once I Was a Beehive. We both enjoyed it much. (No, really.)  ツ

We also, last month, rewatched the film, Wonder. We'd forgotten how special it was.

And Coda was great (via a free subscription to Apple Plus), but the first 15 minutes were a bit dicey with occasional crude language. After that, well, let's just say we pretty much cried sentimental tears through the entire last half. 

And just to leave you with a smile--


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. You are the fourth, no maybe fifth, blogger I've read about who is moving to Florida! I wish we could move, too, for the same reason that you said -- but, 1) my whole world is here with the kids and grandkids/great-grandkids so I'm not willing to leave that behind, and 2) there is no way to move when you live on the miniscule income of disability. I used to love snow, but now it's a huge hindrance when getting older. I'm excited for you guys! I look forward to seeing what your future holds! Hugs and blessings, my friend!

  2. I was so excited when I saw on FB that you plan to move. Hubby's brother lives in Florida and is always trying to get us to come there. I would love to visit. As you know, we were planning to travel for at least a few years in retirement, (this year), but God had other plans for us. His hand had to have been the reason that this house became available right next door to Mom the very month we needed it. So many things fell directly into place and we are unable to doubt this is where God wants us. But oh, how we wanted to travel and see places. We're still hoping we may be able to go for a month at a time a few times a year. We hope. And pray.
    The last thing I wanted to do was move somewhere icy, snowy and cold. -9F this morning. Yuck.
    I'm so, so happy for you. I can live vicariously through you and Tom. :-)

  3. I am so excited for you, Tom, and Naomi!!! I know Betsy moved recently, and my husband and I moved less than two months ago, so you know God is definitely in the business of changing our address, once in awhile. Obedience to Him is the key. I know that you will follow His leading, and it will be wonderful. I sure hope you'll continue your blog and take us along on this adventure. I'll start praying with you for God to prepare all of you for the days ahead. xoxo


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