Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Guaranteed! This One Thing Will Make Your 2022 Better.

" ... let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger..."   --- James 1:19


So. Many folks choose a word (or phrase) around now to help guide their new year in a positive way. Perhaps you're one of them.

Well, in 2021 my chosen phrase was 'be slow to speak'.

Wow. Best phrase ever! Probably saved me from 15 tiffs (slight arguments), three large disagreements, 25 instances of looking stupid/scene-stealer-ish/forgetful and a host of hurt feelings.

If you're still searching for your 2022 phrase, Honey, I recommend that one.   ツ

Now, did I remember every time to pause before bursting forth with foolish words? No, of course not. Still being human, sometimes I plowed right through the conviction to listen, think, before proceeding, then tripped right over the Trouble Cliff.

But even so, still, the times I did pause? Whew. They extended the good moments and made them sweeter. And although Tom, Naomi and others didn't notice these changes (being un-voiced, after all), Jesus did--and that's what matters.

I'm thinking He even nodded, smiling, a few times. 

This 'all or nothingness' of new year's resolutions, well, I'm not a prescriber to that. No, I'm more into this:

If we aim at nothing, usually we'll achieve nothing. If we aim at specifics, often we'll hit at least something good, forward-moving, thus improving our life, making it even a little better. And hey, better is better.


Ten years of partially-achieved goals trumps going all wimpy every resolution-less January 1st.

At least, that's the way I see it.

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."   --- Proverbs 18:2


Remember my oft-mentioned appreciation for vintage music reaction videos at Youtube? How they added enjoyment to these past 2 can-you-believe-it years?

Well, uh-oh.  Ol' Debra has a new addiction hobby: viewing vintage movie reaction videos at aforementioned Youtube. (Oh my. Guess how I've spent my past few days?)

What a delight watching young people enjoying classic films! Ones I wished for years I could discuss with others, but never could for various reasons (I'll not go there).

Instead, just to get you started, let's go here:

These folks were first-time watchers of these films(!) --

It's a Wonderful Life:  Here. Here. And here. And here.

Rear Window:  Here. Here.

Sunset Boulevard:  Here.  

The Wizard of Oz:  Here. And here.

Psycho:  Here. Here.

Home Alone:  HereHere. Here.

Home Alone 2:  Here.


I hope your Christmas was sweet!

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Hi Debra: Great post as usual. I think I need to use that phrase this coming year. At least try to remember it. I don't usually choose a word or phrase but that is one it would be wise to always remember.
    You're kidding! Home Alone and Home Alone 2 are vintage?
    I'm officially ancient. :-)
    Have a wonderful week my fried.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Hi Debra! I totally forgot about picking a word/phrase for 2022. Thank you for sharing your idea. I like it. My prayer would be: "Put a lock on my lips, Lord."

    Happy New Year!

  3. Oh Debra, I really need to become slower to speak. Such good verses that leave no wiggle room (isn't that just like God!). Yep, I'm pretty sure he smiled and nodded at you many times. Thanks for always encouraging us to follow Him.

  4. Hi, Debra
    I'm just making sure you got my email (and current email address: iwpeckham@gmail.com). Love to see that you're still writing :) So am I!

    Good book: Four Winds.
    I LOVE the historical novels by Ken Follett

  5. Also, The Nightingale
    I have quiet a list.
    Just finished reading Sapiens twice
    Am now on The Dawn of Everything


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.