Wednesday, December 01, 2021

December This And That

"Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”   ---John 14:21


1.) Remember my little experiment when I 'over-wintered' my impatiens plant inside? I'd gardened for decades but had never considered attempting this. Crossing my fingers it'll work again this upcoming winter!
(The mums on the side were an anniversary gift from Naomi.)

2.) Oh, and I already shared the Tomorrow Is A Chance to Start Over song (one we'd heard via the show, Grimm), but every single day I listen to that encouraging tune while I make my bed and get dressed. Every day! 

I believe keeping ourselves encouraged is our own responsibility. I've never found that waiting around, whining--until others come pick me up--leads to a wonderful life. Er hem.

3.) Okay, this was like watching a sentimental Christmas movie made up of lovely short stories. Have tissues handy. Maybe chocolate, too. ツ
This one, also. (If all tv ads resembled these, I'd hope for more interruptions, not less.)  シ

4.) I so appreciated these words which God gave Liberty from Spirit Move Ministries, words she shared during her Thanksgiving video:

"You crush satan with your peace... when you walk in My peace when you don't know, when you don't understand. I work in the unseen. Do not trust what your eyes see." 

5.) Speaking of Thanksgiving .... I've found this to be oh so true:

6.) Probably I've read over 1,000 books, but one in the Top Five? This:

People seldom even come more inspiring than this lady.  ツ 
I began rereading my copy (bought cheaply decades ago) yesterday at our dining room table with snow (yes, snow!) falling outside. Later I discovered this video where a guy found the first farmhouse the Moses' bought (the video is cue'd to that portion).
Then I watched this video which gave a delightful overall outline of Grandma Moses' life.
Gotta love an inspiring Grandma Moses day! Not only because of her beautiful paintings, but for her sunny attitude which--personally--I believe helped her live to age 101.

7.) Oh! And I keep forgetting to tell you that, at one time, Ken Osmond ('Eddie' from Leave It To Beaver) and his family lived next door to Almanzo and Laura (Ingalls) Wilder(!) Wild, right? 
Ken said they were the nicest people and used to share their tools with his dad. 
Fun bit of trivia, that.

8.) Isn't this beautiful? (Found via Cozy Cottages at Facebook.)

9.) Don't have enough Youtube videos to watch? Here's another one for you:

10.) Truth! Even in 2021 it's possible to know there's a plan somewhere in the midst of all the chaos. Whew.

11.) Some kind advice:

12.) And to leave you with a smile:

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Love this Debra !

  2. The last meme caused me to laugh out loud. :-) I'm definitely a chocoholic although I'm trying not to eat so much.
    It's supposed to be 70F here tomorrow and then the temp. will begin to plummet over the next few days. We've sure enjoyed a warmer winter and it was great to be able to prop the door open for the contractor to be able to take the demolished bathroom parts out of the house.
    I plan to take a long walk tomorrow with Zoey at Forest Lawn. It's great to walk there.
    Thanks for all of teh words of wisdom in todays post. Lots of truth there Debra.

  3. It's not easy to remain at peace in this world we're living in, but I do believe we "crush Satan" when we live that way. So many links I want to open and watch, because I always enjoy what you post, Debra! Gotta wait, tho, because we're moving right now. I did watch the link about the little cottage and it encouraged me that we can find nooks and crannies in our little place for everything that we need and want. Good post, Debra!

  4. Unknown--thanks so much for commenting and reading here!

    Betsy--oh my, 70 degrees! I hope you were able to get out and walk. What a lovely temperature for December (wow!).

    Pam--happy moving day(s)! I'm so happy you're able to finally get into your new place. I'm sure you'll love it. The older I become the more I appreciate the small size of our Hobbit Cottage. Again, congrats!

    Thanks so much, Everyone.... Blessings, Debra


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