Tuesday, June 29, 2021

When God Asks You To Let Go

"In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."   --- Proverbs 3:6


Remember how I've amassed the best library in all of New York state, that is, for me? Well, days ago God asked me to aim for releasing half of my books. Half!

So am I bummed-out? Resentful? No. Oddly this is my favorite project since stocking my shelves with food all prepper-like.

See, on these mornings when I'm nearly risking my life (in my mind, anyway) to just water my gardens out in all that humidity, the day's remainder I'm lolling upon the red couch, reading. With dusty fingers I'm skimming books-- 

the ones I'm not certain I'll keep forever
books I'd forgotten I owned
ones I'd not reread in decades
books I'm only oh-hum about.

Any books I don't love nor require for my temporary wall of books (don't ask)? I'll drag to the Salvation Army drop-off bin down the street. That is, when the weather cools.

The kindness of God and Grace! The wonder that they can give me the 'want to' regarding letting go of things.

On these humidity-off-the-charts days when, even with air-conditioning, I'm just a shell of my former self, they've presented me with a delightful-though-significant project. About the only type of job I can handle on a hot summer's day.

Reading and sorting! On a steamy June afternoon even I can handle reading and sorting.

Actually, this all came after my epiphany while mowing the lawn last week, the one where--while the rusted lawn mower spat-out tree droppings at my face and I sneezed (and sneezed) and sweated-- I whispered, "I can't do this anymore! After 40 years of lawn-mowing, I quit."

And yes, you who still mow your lawn at age 70+, I'm probably being a baby. But one thing I've learned to recognize? Grace. While she's still here or when she's left the building (or yard, in my case).

Following my pride/bright ideas or keeping-up with the big kids instead of Grace, will lead only to struggle.

Grace sees ahead. She shows me what can stay and what must go so to make my final years, easier. Simpler. Grace and God wish to save me from the unnecessary exertion of caring for items no longer meaningful.

Items Grace removed her blessing from a very long time ago will never serve me well in the future, and hey, I'm believing for better.

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."   --- Isaiah 43:18,19

"As we age, we will face different types of opposition... Does opposition weaken your resolve and discourage or even depress you--or does it make you all the more determined to keep pressing forward?"
--- Joyce Meyer from her book, How To Age Without Getting Old

If, at an advanced age, I'm stuck with cleaning things I no longer enjoy or need, it will be because I did not act with wisdom while I still could.


What I'm also doing lately? Watching 50-year-old reruns of Let's Make a Deal at Youtube.

Fun, but bittersweet as well, for oh my! All those young folks are 50 years older now. Or gone. Alas. 

But still, I watch. And wonder what kinds of lives they lived.  ツ


Had to smile!


"Have nothing in your house which you do not find useful or beautiful."   ---William Morris


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I have to admit I was surprised to read you're giving up half of your books because I know how much you love them.
    I did the same things before the big move and we downsized our library a LOT! Well over half. Of course some of them went to Mandy as we like a lot of the same books.
    I have already admitted that I cannot mow anymore between my back, my hert, the humidity. One of my medications acually says tht "heat can be fatal". Several doctors have confirmed it and said that living in the midwest now, I have to be very careful. I've told Dennis that when the day comes that he can't do it either, we'll have to hire someone. (or move again.)
    Take care my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Looking back at that 50 year old show makes me think how much has changed since then. If those contestants leapt forward to the present day they wouldn't understand half the things we are talking about.

  3. God and Grace never fail to amaze me! Debra, I remember there were many times when finding and purchasing your books brought you much joy...and now, giving some of them away will bring much joy to you and many others! Yesterday, it was so hot and humid outside, that I decided to pack up some of our things in the basement. I picked through Christmas decorations and kept only those that were dear to me. I found my hand pausing over some things and it seemed as though Grace was standing beside me, guiding me. The future is unknown but Grace will lead us, and I'm very thankful for that!!

  4. I love when God talks to us. He also told me to downsize my books and my yarn. Some of these books are like old friends. I love to escape in them again, and again.
    Take care,
    HUGS and blessings

  5. Betsy--yes! This is a huge challenge for me, bookwise. Like it was stated below, books feel like friends and it can be hard saying good-bye. I hope your weather has cooled down by now as ours has--oh my! Do stay cool.

    Sandi--so true about their not knowing what we're talking about these days! Especially when it comes to technology. Oh my. :)

    Pam--oh yes! Like you, I've often paused over my books and listened as to whether I should keep them or release them. Only a few times has there been a struggle so far, but oh dear! I counted my total books today and I'm nowhere near having let go of half of them. Uh-oh. :)

    Reading, Writing--truly! Our books really do become our friends. Lately I'm trying to remind myself that only a few real friends remain with us all our lives, most come and go. This kinda helps me to release the books more easily. Kinda. heh. :)

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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