Saturday, May 29, 2021

Remembering That Safe Is Often Boring

"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land..."   ---Isaia 1:19


Back in 2019 I took my friend, Iris, to my cafe around the corner. I can't recall--did I tell you already? We'd not seen each other in nearly 20 years (tsk tsk) and we had a purely delightful conversation.

Then after winter (neither of us drives in the snow) just as I considered asking Iris out to the cafe again, 2020 and Covid happened. Sigh.

So one year later Iris and I, via messenger, chatted about getting together. This time she wanted to take me to her favorite bakery/restaurant in her town.


Iris lives 20 miles away.
I'd not driven alone that far in probably 12 years. (Wow, right?)
Tom said imagining me driving there made him nervous.
I never ask the GPS lady for help. She talks too much.
I don't carry a cell phone.
The weather turned COLD. Rainy, windy, 40 degrees(!)
I wasn't sure how to turn on the car's heater. Or the radio, even.

Now, all week I could've made myself bonkers with reasoning and excuses. Yet instead? I felt incredible peace. 

God wanted me to go, so that settled it. (Ever tried to change God's mind? Never works.)

So I went. Drove most of those 20 miles through the countryside near our old farm, remembered much, found a perfect setting for the windshield wipers, left the radio off (lest I push an ejection seat button, instead. Oh, these newer complicated cars, right?). All those miles I chatted aloud with God and myself, even.  シ

And Iris's and my lunch? Perfection. Everything: homemade meatloaf, conversation, ambiance, not being required to wear masks. Just right, all of it. What a blessing.

Well, on the way home (still raining) I got brave and poked what I thought was the radio. It was! Tom had set it to the most perfect station: mellow 70's stuff. Then as I neared home, oh my, Dance With Me began playing.

Wow. Tears came to my eyes. I love that song! Used to turn the radio volume up at age 16 each time it played. And oh, immediately I knew God had arranged that radio song just for me. My gift for obediently stepping outside my safe comfort zone.

Thank-you, God, for the perfect present. Always, I'll remember that one.

"But I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father."   --- John 14:31

The afterward of obedience is almost always remarkable.

More than ever I'll be wary of anyone, especially the government, telling me they just want me to be safe. God would prefer I be obedient to Him, even at the cost, the risk, of putting others first.


Oh, and hooray! No longer are we required to wear a mask at my local cafe while ordering.


 Movies we've enjoyed (I may have already shared a couple. Kinda losing track here.)--

Tooth  Fairy  (If you're in the mood for something light-hearted, silly, but still with warm, teachable moments.)


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I'm so glad for you that you got out and adventured with God right along with you. The music and particular song WERE His gift to you. I truly believe that.

  2. "Dance with me...I want to be your partner" Just love those memories of the 70s tunes! I never thought of it from a spiritual perspective, but God wants us to dance with him, to let him lead. Sometimes we twirl, other times there are dips and lifts (don't know many other dance terms;)) but he is always near, holding us. Precious that God would give you this song on your drive! So glad you shared your experience of venturing out to lunch with Iris. Life can be so sweet when we trust in the Lord! Happy Memorial Day to you, Tom and Naomi!

  3. Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone and letting God be the driver of your day! I'm so happy to be able to visit you here and agree with you in so many things ... espcially putting God first in all our decisions! I have to tell you, I really love homemade meatloaf -- it's been a while since I made any, so I think I better do that again soon lol! P.S. I was in high school in the early/mid-1970s ... graduated 1975 ... I remember those songs. Blessings to you, Debra!!

  4. Betsy--thanks so much! I truly believe that song was a gift from God, also. My heart felt so full that I thought it would burst (love it when that happens). :)

    Pam--that's so true about the dancing with Jesus! I do think of that often, actually. I'm glad you liked the story of my day and I do thank you for your Memorial Day wishes!

    Diana--Oh! You graduated just two years before I did. Didn't we have the very best music? That's a big part why I've so enjoyed the music reaction videos at Youtube--it's been such a joy to watch young folks enjoy our music all these years later. And I, too, love meatloaf and hadn't had it in ages. It was about the best ever that day!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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