Friday, February 26, 2021

Where She Sat In a Snowbank Reading a Book (Sorta)

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace..."   --- 1 Peter 4:10


So there I was snuggled beneath our couch blanket Tuesday afternoon. Watching Youtube. Again. As usual. Yawn.

Then uh-oh. That dreaded 'this feels eternal' awareness struck. The taunting one that whispers, "Life will always, in some way, reflect the isolation of corona madness. Face it, you're stuck."

Anyone else ever felt that? 

Like you're slithering, disappearing, beneath the rut you've created? It's especially bad when you've told people via your blog to never go there. Cough. Cough. シ

Well, after rolling my eyes, I visited that young guy (on Youtube) who bought a ghost town up on a California mountain. I'd not checked-in on him in ages, in fact, I hoped he was still alive (eegads, it's dangerous up there).

First I watched his video here. Then one there. Wow, I sat up straighter, eyes wider, for I felt challenged and inspired. Grateful, also, especially for Tom's and my adventures of our younger years which--had we waited--would've been too late if attempted now. (The farm adventure, anyone?)  

The best words Ghost Town Guy spoke --

"This month more than any other in my life, I feel like me again... This whole month I've felt a comfort and ease of 'this is who I am.' I haven't always felt like that."

Oh, how this lady needed to hear that!

His spoken words proved such a reminder. May we all finally realize the vital-ness of sharing ourselves, our gifts, with others. God so wants to use us, our experiences, our words, especially during these times the Earth 'slips off its axis' and people struggle with unknowns.

Anyway, right there I climbed out of my rut! Determined to change things up, to reclaim much of my pre-corona-madness life.

And that's why yesterday while in my long black wool coat, I sat upon our driveway, reading a book. In just 34 degrees. Surrounded by snow on the ground, but feeling warm because the winter sun glowed upon the cement and the white garage door. No gloves, even--they remained in my pocket. 

I sat there quite awhile. Read my 1930 book and gazed up, all around at houses and snow and held a reunion with quirky me.

Oooo, memory-making afternoon moments.

This our-Country-is-royally-messed-up time? It needs you. Desperately. There's a reason God has each of us here at this moment: when we fulfill His divine purpose, much darkness is pushed back. People come away encouraged, lifted-up and inspired to help others.

All this happens when we are exactly who God made us to be. 

And these rough days while much is being stolen from us, please don't let anyone snatch the real you away, ok?

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."   ---Colossians 3:17

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."   --- James 1:17

If I'm in a rut? It's my own fault. Always. And only I can fix it, shake things up a bit.



This February? The sunniest I remember here, ever. That's the good news, but the bad is that clear skies mean colder days and colder days mean the ice and snow take longer to melt.

In fact, I've walked over to the cafe only twice this month! Icy sidewalks and streets plus a lady who's not getting any younger, well, they spell trouble. 

But I did make it there this morning and oh! I keep forgetting to tell you that Amy often leaves notes at Facebook saying she's run out of scones or muffins. Her business appears to still be doing terrific. 

A true answer to prayer.


And as I wrote at Facebook--

These tracks (beside our house) kinda freaked me out. It's like a large animal jumped at least four feet, paused, then jumped four feet again. Then again. Wow.


Oh! My sister (hi, Corrine!) recommended the best movie. It's called The Map of Tiny Perfect Things.

Wow. Both Tom and I found this perfect, inspiring, even. Only around 3 'naughty words', but I can't recall a single other problematic thing.

Delightful. Just simply delightful.


"Your uniqueness matters... God wants the real you... God has designed each of us uniquely and purposefully because He wants a relationship with us exactly the way we are. "  -- Joyce Meyer


Please remember: My posts are ALWAYS about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Yes, I'll confess that there have been times when I wake up and feel like "Groundhog Day" is real. All of us have been living through such unusual times, though, but we know that God has not left us alone for even one second! Sometimes my brain needs a tune-up to the truth that God is still in charge, and he loves us. I don't have to look very far to see His blessings all over the place and that helps to reset my thinking. Thanks for being so honest with us, Debra. Hope you start having some spring-like weather very soon!!

  2. Thank you. This is from a living in a rut lady. Lately my prayer warriors have been surrounding me with prayers so I am not quite as down as I have been in past winters. I love your idea of sitting on the "warm" ground and reading. I do that behind our barn as soon as the weather allows it. Soon, hopefully.
    May your week be filled with grace,

  3. Pam--oh yes! That's a great way to phrase it: like Groundhog Day. And thanks for your wishes about Springtime--I can actually feel it in the air, usually do when we begin getting all this extra daytime light--hooray!

    Kim-- your comment blessed me so much! Thank-you. The main reason I'm here is to help people see and experience Life in possibly a different way. I hope this post helped and that you're as thrilled as I am that February is just a memory now and we're nearing Springtime(!)

    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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