Saturday, February 06, 2021

We Don't Know What's Ahead, But God Does So He ---

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."   ---Psalm 23:5,6


If you're a Christian, most likely you're stronger than you believe yourself to be.

I mean, just think. What if, last February, someone you trust told you that beginning in 2020:

We'd experience a worldwide pandemic
We'd be told "it's just 2 weeks to stop the spread," but the madness has stretched nearly a year
We'd be confined to our homes
Millions would lose their jobs/businesses
Groceries would run short
Lines for public food pantries would stretch for miles
We'd have to wear masks
Social distancing would be a thing
Thousands would riot/take over cities/burn down businesses
We'd be threatened with much if we didn't obey new rules
Governors would reign like emperors 
Much evil in government would be exposed
The election would be stolen
We'd be prohibited from attending church and eating in restaurants
We'd be silenced/censored/cancelled from the Internet

... what would you have done, thought or felt if you'd been promised all that at 2020's start? Challenged, but ready? Or afraid and anxious to run?

But here's today's encouragement:

You're still here.

You made it through! Even if you whined and kicked and screamed, hey,  again, you're still here. Still sane. So let that sink in and allow yourself to celebrate, ok?

Did you read the verses at the top of this post? When I did a search for them, this popped up at the top:

He prepares a table for me " in the presence of my enemies ".This tells us that God knew that we will have enemies spiritual and otherwise , so it shouldn't take us by surprise, God made provision to counter that, since He is God who is all knowing and God of Mercy.

Yes. God does prepare us ahead for hard times and annoying people and seasons. Some places He leads us so to prepare us for unknown roads ahead? To new:

Bible truths
Helpful videos
Early warnings
Social media sites
Health information
And much more. 

At least, that's His intention: to lead us to our help and growth so we can live during dreadful times uniquely, surprisingly like this--

"But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day."   ---Proverbs 4:18

Oh, that 'brighter and brighter light' which shines even while the world's gone dark!

Last week Tom and I watched a movie in which it was said of a young girl: "She had the heart of a lion." I can't shake that.

And oh, may each of us desperately crave that tenacious boldness of  Jesus, the Lion of Judah!  May we awake to the fact He's prepared us for these days and always, His presence and vitality is ours so we can represent Him as the bright lights He created us to be.

"The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion."   ---Proverbs 28:1

"We must fight against spiritual apathy.   ----Dr. Kynan Bridges

"And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them."   ---Isaiah 42:16

Oh, and don't believe the election was stolen? Watch this in its entirety and then decide, ok?

Never give-up on the things God wants you to do, even the tiny ones! Everything matters to Him, every obedience has eternal rings like a pebble tossed into a pool.

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. This is so uplifting for me. I do appreciate your good words. The scriptures you choose are Spirit led. I feel like dancing!

  2. These are wonderful Scriptures you have gathered, and appropriate for these times. Yes, the election was stolen and a bill being considered right now will go far to ensure the next elections will be stolen too. We live in dark times, friend, and those of us who serve a true King are called to shine ever brighter.

  3. Yes, bright lights for the Lord. A light on a hill cannot be hidden.
    Yes, I believe the election was stolen and that we may never have another honest one. The US is heading the way of a lot of the world, but that doesn't matter to us in the end. We have the Lord and our forever home with Him in Heaven for eternity.

  4. Our hope is in the Lord. Thank you for the encouragement.
    These days are so trying, but your posts provide glimmers of hope.
    ...time to just get out of bed ...again...and persevere.....I know that God is in control. thanks (Needed the reminder). ;). Bev

  5. I love the 23rd Psalm. As I read this post, I was reminded of a story shared by a woman who attended church with us over 20 years ago. She worked as a hospice nurse, so she drove around a lot. This gave her extra time to pray and listen to the Lord. One day she read Ps 23 and sensed the Holy Spirit telling her to memorize it. Memorizing was very difficult for her, but she couldn't shake the spirit's direction. So every day, she worked on it. I think it took her 2 weeks, but she could say it perfectly. On that day that she mastered it, she was taking care of a patient who had been unresponsive for several days. Suddenly, the old woman's eyes opened and she said, "I can't remember the 23rd Psalm!" She was upset and near the end. My friend teared up and calmly led her through the 23rd Psalm, and then the old woman relaxed and went to the Lord. I have thought about that story so many times. God loved our friend and prepared her. God loved the old woman so much that he made sure to have someone with her who could give her help on the journey home to heaven. He is so much more than we can even imagine. He is here to help us on our journey, too!

  6. Your posts are such an encouragement, thank you. Yes, the election was stolen. I watched the video yesterday. I pray those in authority in our government will have the courage to do what is right. None of this took God by surprise, however, and He is still working.

  7. "...every obedience has eternal rings like a pebble tossed into a pool."


  8. Thank you, Pam, for sharing the 23 rd Psalm story. Thank you...

  9. Carrie--your comment encouraged me so much! Thank-you.

    Terra--I'm so glad the verses blessed you! They've stood out to me often lately. Yes, we live in dark times and you know? I'm believing God will do something soon to spread His light everywhere so to both encourage and expose. I'm anticipating brighter days!

    Betsy--as I told Terra, I'm believing for brighter days ahead! I just can't shake the anticipation that something huge from God is coming. Really, I can only look forward to bright days.

    Bev--I'm so happy these posts are encouraging you! That's the main reason I'm here and I feel so blessed by your words. Thank-you.

    Pam--oh my, I loved the Psalm 23 story! Thank you so much for sharing that and yes, it goes along with my post perfectly. Wow.

    Sandi--thank--you! Often God will place a quick little scene in my head then I'll kinda describe it and that's how that line came about. Thanks for reading here!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.