Thursday, October 29, 2020

Her Long String of Mental Health Days

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."   ---Psalm 46:10


Still here! It's just that my mental health day has turned into a mental health month

Those first 6 our-Country-has-gone-wild months were intense, right? I mean, I felt such grace dealing with it all, as well as crazy-prepping and warning folks to wake up, (not to mention the failing health of Sam The Cat), etc.--but even so--my mind was not created to operate on High for that long. 

So I switched it down to Low.  シ And what a relaxing, healing month, indeed.

How have I filled these days? Well, yearly I hold this personal contest called Can We Avoid Using Our Main Heater Till November?, and mornings I boost our little electric fireplace heat by drying foods in our oven (inspiration thanks to Tessie). If you've ever done that, you're aware that the oven door must remain open a tad.

So far I've dried apple slices, onion rings and chives. It's all much simpler than I'd supposed and yes, I could purchase an official food dehydrator, but in this tiny house? I'd have to store it in the basement and well, uh, no. That place needs emptying, not filling.

What else? Oh! Those old Sherlock Holmes films with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. Have you seen those? Color me addicted. Those two actors were perfection in their parts and oh, all that London fog and scary (also beautiful) old houses! (Sherlock's apartment, especially when colorized--wow. Cozy beyond words.)

Though probably I've watched too many of these. Nightly in my dreams I find myself in the misty London world of Sherlock and Dr. Watson. Er hem. (The movies are at Youtube, but find them listed in order here.)

Our local cafe.
My Judy Bolton Books.
The original Nancy Drew books.
Decluterring with joy.
Those 1970's music reaction videos at Youtube.

All these bring me happiness, calm, and okay, some things simply cannot be explained. But why feel pressured to explain to the squint-eyed questioners? Especially when we consider this verse--- 

 "Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way?"   --- Proverbs 20:24

I love that God custom-made us, don't you?

Anyway, how wonderful this (homemaker) job of mine.  I can stare out windows, renew, refresh, read, do a little work. Then rinse and repeat (ha) and somehow still accomplish the important tasks.

How I love following Grace! 

Never does she lead to headaches, heartaches or worry, but only peace. Sweet, sweet peace of mind, even after one returns to Life's Road where all the crazy drivers need the help Grace can give them, also.

Take some time off! But for heaven's sake, don't ruin it with any feelings of guilt.

And as I've often stated, if we don't care for our own mental health, who will?


Adam The Woo went to Mt. Airy! And wow, I feel as though so did I. He even stayed inside Andy Griffith's real-life home and showed us nearly every inch. Wow. Made my day.


Oh! And I have a dear friend in Philadelphia who lives only blocks away from the latest riots. Could you please keep her and her husband in prayer? Thanks so much!


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. That last meme made me laugh. That's me. We watch several services each week. Our home church, the church we were married in and our daughters church. Usually we're watching the one we were married in while eating a small bite of breakfast, toast or a bagel, etc. I've always just put a bite into my mouth when they begin praying! :-)
    How grateful I am though, for all of the technology that allows this. With my heart problems I still don't feel comfortable being in groups of people.
    I'm so enjoying living in our little RV so far. I love to clean it and keep it neat. In such a small space everything has to be put away in it's home otherwise it looks messy very quickly. Maybe I'm hiding from the world, but that's okay. I love the life God has given to me.

  2. Debra, I loved this post and especially your Mental Health Days which oh my word, I desperately need and soon plan on taking some of!

    I've always thought how creative you are by finding this and that online (watching movies, videos and such) but as for me, I'm always busy, busy ... busy and even when I'm busy, I take on something else and what does it do but ... you guessed it, stresses me out BIG TIME!

    After reading this post, I got to thinking - you know what? If I were to do this for a week (or oh my, maybe even a bit longer), who is going to stop me and really, the world won't stop or fall apart, if I'm not busy doing "SOME"thing.

    I don't know why I'm the way I am but I have been for a long time and I have to do this, and this ... oh and look, that is something I can be doing as well. For me to just sit and do nothing at all? It drives me half crazy (you should see me when I go out back and sit at the picnic table to enjoy part of the day) - I feel like I'm moving out there 'cuz I have bags filled with my Kindle, a puzzle book, a notebook and pen so I can have something to do while sitting there.

    This may sound silly but ya know what? I think I want to "Plan out my Mental Health Days" and as with everything else in my life - I must make a list for it. LOL

    One thing I've always wanted to do was to go to and tour a "real" castle and ya know, I'm sure I can find at least a few online. I'm going to look and see what I can find!

    Once again - thank you. Thank you for sharing yourself with us as you do! (Hugs)

  3. Oh Debra, it sounds as though you've been having a wonderful "mental health month." Lately, I've been telling myself to relax and rest more, and it really is like a gift to the mind, spirit and body!


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