Monday, September 21, 2020

Adventures In Lockdown--Or--How's It Goin'?

"... equip God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up... In humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."   --- Ephesians 4:12, Philippians 2:3,4


Ol' Debra's brain's been on a God-ordained vacation and boy, did she need it. Perhaps you've noticed during 2020 our Country's been a tad uptight.  シ

After these past my-oh-my 6 months, I needed a couple weeks to play. Relax. Dream.

I mean, really. Remember our farm years? The 4 acres? The 120 year old farmhouse? Not since then have I found so much to do. It's like the pace of Hobbit Cottage entered overdrive when our Governor in March said, "Stay home. Just stay home."

And it sounds odd, but remaining housebound like that suddenly made me what--usually--I detest: busy.

But busy's ok when it's Grace's idea and you follow her lead, her ideas. Receive her strength.

Tom's working from home now? Yikes! That meant my cooking more meals. 
Moving my office upstairs. 
Climbing those stairs way more often.
Creating a more defined schedule.
Becoming (really) ok with a husband housebound with me.
Watching prepper videos, adding to my knowledge of that subject.
Prepping more than just a 2-month supply.
Listening to pundits regarding what's happening out there.

And as our world spiraled into chaos? God reminded me of what I'd observed in the best ministers: In crisis times they pay closer attention. They put others, first, and aim for relevance so to address questions and fears. 

Good, loving ministers do not hide in crisis times

They shine! Previous years God prepared them (and you and me) for such a time as this and now they warn, comfort, instruct and live as examples.

Only a couple things have proven rough for me since March. One of them? Watching many Christians become silent, hide, and then label that 'peace'.

Oh, there's taking a much needed break (as I've done lately), but no vacation should last 6 months while people in our lives are struggling, questioning. 

No consistent, deep, preview-of-Heaven peace will ever soothe our minds if we hide from God's will. If we hold back in fear or doubt. Only in throwing our entire being upon Him, come what may, will we ever experience His peace which never disappears. 

Ever, no matter the face of the crisis.

" Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."   --- 1 Corinthians 13:7

"Therefore be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall."   --- 2 Peter 1:10

'The greatest of these is love' and that's where the greatest peace will be discovered: in showing love during the hardest times.


This final Saturday of 'brain vacation'? We visited lots of yard sales where, again, no one asked us to wear a mask and all felt normal. Old normal (so there)!

From 2 boxes of free books, I came home with this one:

                And wow. For just $20, this:

Oh my goodness. Felt like such a present from God, I'm tellin' ya. Color me grateful.


And lately? I'm reminding myself to stop saying, "Man, it's just so hard to find good movies these days!" In all areas I want to speak in faith, in believing for good, even in this one.

Tom and I both loved these films:

The Last Man Club  -- funny and sentimental, equally. Thoroughly enjoyable, only a smattering of language.

Concrete Canyons. I couldn't find a good trailer for it, but here's the Amazon link (it's free at other places, as well). If you loved Scott Patterson (Luke) in Gilmore Girls, you'll enjoy this. A very gentle mystery, with, also, just a tiny bit of language, but otherwise fine.


Here when Labor Day came around? So did Autumn. Some of my front porch mornings are so glorious with a gentle breeze and that 'autumn slant of light' that I can barely contain the beauty!

"I would rather live free with a risk of death than hide in fear of death and not live." --- R. Loren Sandford

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Oh my, thank you for the two movie recommendations, I wrote down the titles and aim to watch them. That Matthew Scripture reminds me that forgiving others is not a suggestion, it is a command. The USA is in the grips of a battle and I am sending money to support the candidates who love her.

  2. Another convicting post Debra. I've been a bit braver lately and although several people have told me that it's unbecoming a Christian to post things like I have been on FB, I'm doing it anyway.
    Takc care my friend. Don't forget to put your Armor of God on when you go into battle in the world.

  3. If I've learned anything over the past year, it is the fact that God wants us to be ready. Ready to pursue His plans. Confession here, it's really easy to pursue my plans, and I'm still learning how to follow God. I have a feeling it's going to take my entire life. Debra, when you talked about new things in your life, like Tom working from home, moving your office, climbing steps more often, longer-term prepping, it made me realize that God has rearranged my life, too. We're living between two locations and helping care for your grand daughter. I'm closer to 70 than 60, and have never felt any stronger or better. There is no doubt in my mind that it is God who enables us. Keep on keeping on, Debra. You're doing well!

  4. I spotted an error too late. Should read, "caring for our grand daughter"

  5. Terra--I'm glad you liked the movie recommendations! Let me know if you enjoy them, ok? So true about forgiveness!

    Betsy--I've enjoyed seeing your boldness in your Facebook posts lately--keep up the great work!

    Pam--that's wonderful that you feel so great, especially after all you've been through! You really must have lots more energy than I have, what with your 2 houses and caring for your granddaughter--oh my! :)

    Thanks so much, Everyone, for commenting! Blessings, Debra


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